Carnival Floats

Ħdimna u Stinkajna, Biex ir-Re Salvajna
This year, King Carnival was met with various problems and difficulties on his way to Carnival. All Civil Protection members have united to lend a helping hand to save the king. After their joint effort, the king was saved! Feeling safe and jolly once again, the king made his way to Carnival to celebrate with everyone and give a spectacular show! All the king wants is to bring joy to everyone and show his appreciation to the people who work hard to offer their services to save people’s lives.
Clint Axisa and Carlos Axisa
King Carnival
Tal-Landa Carnival Company

Ħlomnikom u Rbaħna Bikom u Għall-Karnival Erġajna Ġibnikom
Totoperżuta One Team present their greatest hits. This float is filled with prominent
characters who featured in their winning floats throughout the years, such as the comical character Gahan, the cheerful circus clown, a character who is frantically trying to finish a carnival float and an Indian Eagle. Towering at the centre of the float one can find elements from the Triton Fountain from last year’s installation with Raymond il-Perżuta and his son Rodrick it-Toto perched on top, while the back of the float is decorated with the company’s logo.
Roderick Zerafa and Raymond Zerafa
Commissioned Float
Totoperżuta One Team

The Masters of Rock
DonPe’ Carnival Company present a star-studded float that will get you rockin’ all night long! Our Carnival has become so epic that even the most prominent rock legends decided to head over to Valletta in a collaboration for the ages.
Antoine Grech and Donald Balzan
Triumphal Floats Section A
DonPe’ Carnival Company

Pajjiżi Magħrufin Kemm għad-Daqq u Anke għaż-Żfin
Ta’ Nena Karnival Group take us on a journey to Latin America with a vibrant triumphal float that celebrates the colours, cultural diversity, and music from Brazil to Mexico. So take out your maracas, and dance to the beat for an unforgettable time!
Ronald Ghiller
Triumphal Floats Section A
Ta’ Nena Karnival Group

Ħlomt b’Karattri Partikolari u bil-Lapes Saru Reali
Lose yourself in the world of whimsy with an homage to the great Walt Disney presented by Triton Carnival Company. Inspired by the film ‘Walt Before Mickey’, this triumphal float showcases Disney’s characters, which started off as sketched out dreams and turned into household names in cinema and animation loved by young and old.
Joswa Borg and Ronnie Spiteri
Triumphal Floats Section A
Triton Carnival

B’Morris Minor Vjaġġajt u Fil-Karnival Spettaklu Tajt
Buffalo Carnival Company help out local comedian Joe Demicoli as he recalls a creative dream he had which serves as the perfect story for Carnival! Hop aboard ‘Kemmuna Airways’, fasten your seatbelts, and take off for a journey around the world. A journey filled with adventure, exotic animals and Hijinx galore!
Shaun Curmi and Tyrone Curmi
Triumphal Floats Section B
Buffalo Carnival Company

Mill-Ikraħ għas-Sabiħ, fid-Dlam u fid-Dawl fil-Karnival Gawdejnieħ
Good and evil collide as Tonio Karnival Company show us that there are two sides to every story. On the dark side, Dracula is showing his fangs and the menacing wolf haunts the night with his lonely howls as the night creeps in. On the other side however, good prevails as the unicorns, butterflies, and fairies come out to welcome all the children to the Carnival celebrations.
Tonio Scerri and Alfred Scerri
Triumphal Floats Section B
Twins and Lion
Hearts Carnival

Ikla Preparajtlek u bil-Mużika Jien Brillajtlek
Get ready to celebrate! Tal-Banda Carnival Company present, a grand exotic feast with all the trimmings including frogs and snails, laid out on a silver platter. Come and dine in this great feast and later join in a traditional dance with the Brazilian ladies!
Charlie Briffa and Gerry Azzopardi
Triumphal Floats Section B
Tal-Banda Carnival Company

Ballu Fl-Eġittu Organizzajna, u b'Mużika Kummerċjali Spiċċajna
Dreamteam Carnival Company celebrate their ten-year anniversary with a triumphal float that showcases their travels across all corners of the world as they share their carnival story. During their time in Egypt, the Pharoah and Cleopatra decided to organise a grand ball in celebration, which was attended by the most famous classical composers and the best DJs!
Alvin Livori and Clint Zammit
Triumphal Floats Section B
Dreamteam Carnival Company

Moulin Rouge
Let the show begin! Tal-Kaptan Carnival Company take us to the Moulin Rouge in France for a sultry feast of colour and music. People young and old gather around in their best costumes to dance the Can Can and join the fun in a grand celebration for all.
Charles Briffa (Il-Felu) and Owen Briffa
Triumphal Floats Section B
Tal-Kaptan Carnival Company

Tmajnihom u Paxxejnihom u fil-Mitħna Gawdejnihom
Ta’ Costu Carnival Company fly us to Holland, where they make cheese of the finest quality. The story takes us to the cheese makers who found out that the mice were feasting on their precious cheeses. The workers, desperate to find a solution, made a pact with the mice and agreed to start feeding them as long as they stop stealing the cheese!
Costantino Gouder and Silvan Pace
Triumphal Floats Section C
Ta’ Costu Carnival Company

X'Bidla Seħħet fil-Kastell, Minn Mindu Tfaċċat Belle
Crusher Carnival Company take us to the magical tale of Beauty and the Beast. The beast, a ferocious monster feared by all, falls in love with the beautiful Belle who managed to bring joy to the castle and its enchanted staff. Jealous with rage, Gaston tried to kill the beast, but the wise Belle managed to save him just in time and they lived happily ever after!
Kevin Chetcuti and Brenda Chetcuti
Triumphal Floats Section C
Crusher Carnival Company

Fuq Il-Baħar Ħdimna u Strada Stretta Skirna
After spending months at sea, the sailors decided to finally visit The Gut, the world-famous watering hole they heard so much about. When they arrived in Malta they went to the infamous Strait Street, where they danced and drank to their heart’s content.
Jesmond Goodlip and Fletcher Cini
Triumphal Floats Section D
Familja Waħda Carnival Company

Minn Indjan Spiċċajt, Hippie tal-Lajf Intfajt!
The native Americans have had enough of people taking their land and disrupting their peace. They decided to get back at the colonisers, particularly that pompous Italian explorer who supposedly discovered America, and travelled to Italy to take over their land. Instead, they ended up in Malta and found themselves in the middle of Carnival. People were so laid back that they decided to stay and join the fun!
Bjorn Bonett and James Azzopardi
Triumphal Floats Section D
ĊaqquBon Carnival Company

Mill-Kotba Ħerġin fil-Karnival Ferħanin
Walt Disney had enough of children wasting time on technology instead of reading books and using their imagination. After finding out that Carnival was very popular with Maltese children, he decided to commission some grotesque masks depicting some of his favourite characters to encourage them to read their stories!
Joachim Armeni and Dino Armeni
Grotesque Masks
Armeni Carnival Company

Lunapark Fil-Karnival, X’Festa Għamilna Għall-Kbar u Ż-Żgħar
Welcome one and all to the Lunapark! Attended by people of all ages, the Lunapark is the hub for all types of games, sweets, music, laughs and fun. You’re in luck, this year the Lunapark will be visiting Carnival for a fantastical spectacle and to bring joy to everyone!
Isaac Scerri
Grotesque Masks
Godwin Carnival Group

Battalja għat-Teżor
A long time ago, three coded messages were unearthed by three factions: The musketeers, the Vikings and the pirates. The factions managed to decipher the messages and found out that they were coordinates to a location in the centre of the Mediterranean. With the prospect of great riches in mind, they set sail to the coordinates and met for an epic battle. X marked the spot, and the pirates, Vikings and musketeers found themselves at the centre of St George’s Square in Valletta, just in time for Carnival.
Raymond Mallia, Mark Mallia and Clint Chircop
Dance Company Floats Section A
Titti Carnival Company

Fantasija f'Qiegħ il-Baħar u mal-Pirati Bqajna Ankrati
Putullu u Stephania Gellel Carnival Company take us on a journey under the sea where mermaids, sea creatures and pirates are having a great ball. They had only one problem, they eventually ran out of room with all the people who turned up, so they decided to head over to Carnival to celebrate at St George’s Square instead.
Manuel Pace and Stephania Gellel
Dance Company Floats Section A
Putullu u Stephania Gellel Carnival Company

Mill-Karibew Ġew il-Pirati, mis-Sireni Attakkati
Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew have come a long way after years of adventures on the infamous Black Pearl. Along the way, he made hundreds of friends, as well as enemies. This year, he gathered everyone and asked them to put aside their differences and venture to Malta to take part in the Carnival celebrations!
Chris Aquilina and Marvic Aquilina
Dance Company Floats Section A
Tad-Deheb Carnival Company

Tribes & Vibes
Colours, music and elaborate costumes. This year, different tribes from far and wide will unite to participate in Carnival celebrations and tell the story of the lands from which they came. Get ready to listen to the Tribes and Vibes.