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Festivals Malta jniedi l-programm ta’ avvenimenti għas-sena 2024

Għas-sena 2024, Festivals Malta ser ikun qed jippreżenta 12-il festival b’ġeneri artistiċi multidixxiplinarji.

Photo by Rob Matthew Golfeo

F’Diċembru, Festivals Malta, l-aġenzija nazzjonali tal-festivals f’pajjiżna, nied uffiċjalment il-programm kulturali ta’ avvenimenti tal-2024. Il-programm, li ġie mniedi waqt konferenza li ċċelebrat is-suċċess li kisbet l-aġenzija tul l-2023, jinkludi total ta’ 12-il festival li jolqot ġeneri artistiċi differenti matul ix-xhur tas-sena.

Photo by Rob Matthew Golfeo

Iċ-Chairman ta’ Festivals Malta, Aaron Zahra, tkellem dwar is-suċċess tal-aġenzija matul is-sena 2023, sena li rat lill-Festivals Malta mill-ġdid torganizza u tipproduċi l-festivals kollha li hija responsabbli minnhom din l-Aġenzija. Avvenimenti fuq livell internazzjonali bħall-Valletta Baroque Festival, Malta Jazz Festival, The Three Palaces Festival, flimkien m’oħrajn mill-aktar popolari u mfittxija lokalment bħal Mużika Mużika, il-Karnival ta’ Malta, Ritmu Roots Festival u Notte Bianca, fost oħrajn. Is-Sur Zahra spjega kif, “Festivals Malta reġa’ kella sena ppakkjata b’diversi avvenimenti tal-ogħla kwalità li juru biċ-ċar il-prodott eċċellenti li tista’ toffri din l-aġenzija. Kburi ferm bix-xogħol li qed isir, u ta’ dan nirringrazzja lill-ħaddiema kollha ta’ Festivals Malta. Flimkien ser inkomplu naħdmu biex nilħqu livell ogħla.”


Photo by Rob Matthew Golfeo

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Festivals Malta, Frans Agius, spjega kif tul is-snin, Festivals Malta evolviet minn aġenzija b’ammont żgħir ta’ festivals, għal waħda li tinkludi kalendarju kulturali rikk, li joffri avvenimenti ta’ ġeneri artistiċi differenti tul is-sena kollha. “Illum filwaqt li preżentajna l-programm ta’ Festivals Malta, kburi bix-xogħol li qed inwettqu għas-settur kulturali, u mhux biss. Il-motto tagħna hu “Celebrating the Past, Creating the Future”, motto li juri l-identità ta’ Festivals Malta bl-aktar mod komplet, għaliex il-festivals tagħna jagħmlu proprju dak – jiċċelebraw il-wirt rikk tagħna, filwaqt li joħolqu esperjenzi ġodda u innovattivi għall-udjenzi futuri.”

Photo by Rob Matthew Golfeo

Is-Sur Agius tkellem ukoll dwar il-futur tal-aġenzija, b’mod partikolari d-diversi kollaborazzjonijiet li qiegħda taħdem fuqhom. “Is-sena 2024, ser tkun waħda importanti fl-istorja ta’ Festivals Malta, għaliex l-aġenzija mhux biss ser iżżid produzzjoni oħra mal-portafoll rikk tagħha, iżda wkoll ser tkun qed tikkollabora u tieħu sehem fil-Malta Biennale. L-aġenzija ser tkompli ssaħħaħ it-tliet elementi tal-istrateġija tagħha li huma s-sostenibbilità, l-izvillup ta’ udjenzi ġodda u kollaborazzjonijiet ma’ entitajiet pubbliċi u anke dawk privati biex jiżdiedu l-attivitajiet kontemporanji u innovattivi fix-xogħol tagħna. Permezz t’hekk, mhux biss ser nagħmlu l-festivals tagħna aktar aċċessibbli, iżda wkoll ser naħdmu biex il-festivals taghna jkunu aktar sostenibbli u jirrispettaw l-ambjent filwaqt li nwasslu l-ħiliet artistici u l-kultura Maltija lil udjenzi akbar. Ta’ min jgħid li fiċ-ċentru ta’ Festivals Malta hemm qabel kollox l-artist Malti, u ser inkomplu naħdmu biex nagħtu pjattaforma professjonali lill-artisti tagħna fejn jistgħu jesebixxu xogħolhom”, ikkonkluda s-Sur Agius.


Biex issir taf aktar dwar il-programm komplut ta’ Festivals Malta għas-sena 2024, żur is-sit elettroniku


Festivals Malta launches the programme of events for the year 2024

In 2024, Festivals Malta will be presenting 12 multidisciplinary festivals spanning across various artistic genres.


In December, Festivals Malta, the national agency for festivals in our country, officially launched the programme of events for the year 2024. The program, which was launched during a conference that celebrated the success achieved by the agency throughout 2023, includes a total of 12 events spread several months during the year, which feature various artistic modes.


The Chairman of Festivals Malta, Aaron Zahra, spoke about the success of the agency during the year 2023, a year which saw Festivals Malta once again organising and producing all the festivals for which this Agency is responsible. The agency’s portfolio included high-calibre events which attract international audiences such as Valletta Baroque Festival, Malta Jazz Festival, The Three Palaces Festival, together popular events which are sought after by local audiences such as Mużika Mużika, the Malta Carnival, Ritmu Roots Festival and Notte Bianca, among others. Mr. Zahra explained how, "Once again, Festivals Malta had a year packed with several high-quality events that clearly show the excellent product that this agency can offer. I am very proud of the work being done, and for this I thank the team at Festivals Malta. Together we will continue our work to reach even higher goals".


The Chief Executive Officer of Festivals Malta, Frans Agius, explained how over the years, Festivals Malta has evolved from an agency with a handful of festivals, to one that includes a rich cultural calendar, offering events of different artistic genres all year round. "Today as we present Festivals Malta’s programme of events for 2024, I can wholeheartedly say that I am proud of the work we are doing for the cultural sector, and even beyond. Our Motto is "Celebrating the Past, Creating the Future", a motto that shows the identity of Festivals Malta in the succinct way, because our festivals do exactly that - celebrate our rich heritage, while creating new and innovative experiences for future audiences.”


Mr. Agius also spoke about the future of the agency, in particular the various collaborations it is working on. "The year 2024 will be an important one in the history of Festivals Malta, because the agency will not only add another production to its rich portfolio, but will also be collaborating and taking part in the Malta Biennale. The Agency will continue to strengthen the three elements of its strategy which are sustainability, the development of new audiences and collaborations with public and even private entities to increase contemporary and innovative activities in our work. Through this, we will not only make our festivals more accessible, but we will also work to make our festivals more sustainable and respect the environment while showcasing our artists’ skills and our Maltese culture to larger audiences. For Festivals Malta, the Maltese artist is always at the forefront of what we do, and we will continue working to give our artists a professional platform where they can exhibit their work,” concluded Mr Agius.


To find out more about Festivals Malta’s complete programme of events for the year 2024, visit the website


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