Ritratt - Elisa Von Brockdorff
Festivals Malta nediet l-avvenimenti tagħha għax-xhur tas-sajf, li jinkludu r-ritorn ta’ erba’ festivals bħala parti mill-portafoll divers tal-aġenzija. Dawn jinkludu t-tieni edizzjoni ta’ Ritmu Roots Festival f’Mejju, il-Malta International Arts Festival f’Ġunju, kif ukoll il-Malta Jazz Festival u t-tielet edizzjoni ta’ Dance Festival Malta f’Lulju.
Festivals Malta se tagħti bidu għall-kalendarju tas-sajf b’Ritmu Roots Festival li ser isir bejn is-17 u l-25 ta’ Mejju. Dan il-festival se jilħaq lill-komunità permezz ta’ diversi workshops ġewwa The Splendid, kif ukoll ser joffri wirjiet kontemporanji ta’ mużika tradizzjonali bil-għan li jispira u jgħaqqad lin-nies permezz tal-arti fl-Argotti. Ritmu se jenfasizza wkoll it-tradizzjoni tal-kant folkloristiku Malti, l-għana, bħala prattika kulturali, b’avvenimenti ewlenin fosthom ‘Għana Għand tal-Iżgej’, ‘Il-Qagħda tal-Mument’, ‘Duo Ruut’ u ‘Ethnographic Film Screenings’.
Ritmu Roots Festival 2023 - Ritratti - Elisa Von Brockdorff
F’Ġunju jirritorna l-Malta International Arts Festival bi programm ta’ 10 ijiem ta’ avvenimenti multidixxiplinari li jinkludu żfin, mużika, teatru u wirjiet ta’ arti viżiva. Element uniku ta’ dan il-festival huwa d-diversi postijiet storiċi li huma nklużi apposta fil-programm bħala sfond uniku għal uħud mill-aqwa artisti lokali u internazzjonali. L-avvenimenti ewlenin jinkludu ‘Harbour Odyssey’, ‘Underground Valletta’ bil-klarinettist Simon Reitmaer u l-mużiċist tal-Glass Harmonica, Thomas Bloch, kunċert mill-Malta Philharmonic Orchestra b’mużika minn Beethoven u Shostakovich, u rappreżentazzjoni teatrali b’karattri mill-folklor u l-leġġendi Malti, fost oħrajn. Il-festival se jsir bejn l-14 u t-23 ta’ Ġunju.
Malta International Arts Festival 2023 - Ritratti - Darren Agius, Darrin Zammit Lupi u Stephen Buhagiar
Lulju huwa kkaratterizzat bir-ritorn ta’ żewġ festivals popolari: il-Malta Jazz Festival bejn it-8 u t-13 u Dance Festival Malta, li jsir bejn il-25 u t-28 tax-xahar.
Bħal kull sena, il-Malta Jazz Festival se jinkludi programm eklettiku ta’ avvenimenti b’line-up diversa ta’ mużiċisti, fosthom ‘Monica Salmaso’, ‘Thom Ollendorff Trio’, ‘Something Else – A Soul Jazz Revue’, ‘Trio Grande’ u ‘Chief Anjuah’, fost oħrajn.
Malta Jazz Festival 2023 - Ritratti - Stephen Buhagiar u Therese Debono
Warajh isegwi Dance Festival Malta, li għal darb’oħra se jilqa’ artisti lokali u internazzjonali b’wirjiet ta’ natura artistika, u b’temi politiċi. Il-punti ewlenin tal-festival jinkludu wkoll diversi workshops/masterclasses, il-‘Youth Dance Platform’, li hija li tistieden liż-żeffiena żgħażagħ biex jippreżentaw koreografiji ma’ dilettanti taż-żfin u studenti oħra f’ambjent mhux kompetittiv, fost avvenimenti oħra.
Dance Festival Malta 2023 - Ritratti - Elisa Von Brockdorff
Iċ-Chairman ta’ Festivals Malta Aaron Zahra kkummenta, “Sena wara sena, Festivals Malta tippreżenta portafoll divers ta’ avvenimenti matul ix-xhur tas-sajf li fihom diversi artisti internazzjonali u lokali tal-ogħla kalibru. Bħala Festivals Malta, aħna impenjati li nibqgħu nipproduċu festivals li jistinkaw għall-eċċellenza artistika filwaqt li noffru avvenimenti uniċi għat-turisti u nies tal-lokal bl-istess mod. Ninsab ħerqan li ser nagħtu bidu għall-kalendarju tas-sajf tagħna b’Ritmu Roots Festival, li se juri u jiċċelebra x-xena tal-mużika folkloristika lokali u tradizzjonali tagħna.”
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Festivals Malta Frans Agius enfasizza l-importanza tal-kalendarju tal-festivals tas-sajf tal-Aġenzija peress li jinvolvi diversi artisti minn ġeneri artistiċi differenti. “Permezz tal-festivals tas-sajf, Festivals Malta tista’ tesplora aspetti differenti ta’ ġeneri artistiċi permezz ta’ erba’ festivals uniċi u distinti. L-għan tagħna hu li noffru forom diversi ta’ attivitajiet kulturali, u kif ukoll ta’ divertiment, lil gruppi ta’ interess differenti. Permezz tar-rispons pożittiv li qed nirċievu sena wara sena, Festivals Malta dejjem qed tersaq eqreb lejn dan il-għan ma’ kull sena li tgħaddi. Ninsab ħerqan biex l-udjenzi tagħna jesperjenzaw il-festivals tas-sajf ta’ din is-sena u nħeġġeġ lil kulħadd biex jattendi.”
Għal aktar informazzjoni fuq il-festivals tas-sajf ta’ Festivals Malta, żur www.festivals.mt.
Festivals Malta Launches the Summer Festivals Programme for 2024
Festivals Malta has launched its events for the summer months, featuring the return of four festivals as part of the agency’s diverse portfolio. These include the 2nd edition of Ritmu Roots Festival in May, the Malta International Arts Festival in June, as well as the Malta Jazz Festival and the 3rd edition of Dance Festival Malta in July.
Festivals Malta will kick-off its summer calendar with Ritmu Roots Festival between the 17th and 25th May. This festival will reach out to the community through various workshops at The Splendid, as well as showcase contemporary performances of traditional music with the aim of inspiring and connecting people through the arts at Argotti. Ritmu will also highlight Malta’s folk singing tradition għana as a cultural practice, with main events including Għana Għand tal-Iżgej, Il-Qagħda tal-Mument, Duo Ruut u Ethnographic Film Screenings.
In June the Malta International Arts Festival returns with a 10 day programme of multidisciplinary events which include dance, music, theater and visual arts performances. The festival also boasts several historic venues which act as a unique backdrop for some of the best local and international artists. Highlights include the Harbour Odyssey, Underground Valletta featuring clarinetist Simon Reitmaer and Glass Harmonica virtuoso Thomas Bloch, a concert by the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra with music from Beethoven and Shostakovich, and a theatrical performance featuring characters from maltese folklore and legend, among others. The festival is set to take place between the 14th and 23rd June.
July will highlight the return of two popular festivals: the Malta Jazz Festival between the 8th and 13th and Dance Festival Malta, taking place between 25th and 28th of the month.
Like each year, the Malta Jazz Festival will feature an eclectic programme of events with a diverse line-up of musicians, including Monica Salmaso, Thom Ollendorff Trio, Something Else – A Soul Jazz Revue, Trio Grande and Chief Anjuah, among others.
Following in its stead is Dance Festival Malta, which will once again welcome local and international artists with artistically and politically charged performances. The festival’s highlights also includes several workshops/masterclasses, the youth dance platform, which is an open call inviting upcoming young dancers to present choreographies with other dance enthusiasts and students in a non-competitive setting, among other events.
Festivals Malta Chairman Aaron Zahra commented, “Year after year, Festivals Malta presents a diverse portfolio of events during the summer months which feature several international and local artists of the highest calibre. As Festivals Malta, we are committed to keep producing festivals which strive for artistic excellence whilst offering unique events for tourists and locals alike. I am looking forward to kick-off our summer calendar with Ritmu Roots Festival, which will showcase and celebrate our local and traditional folk music scene.”
Festivals Malta CEO Frans Agius highlighted the importance of the Agency’s summer festivals calendar, as it engages various artists from different artistic genres. “Through the summer festivals, Festivals Malta is able to explore different facets of artistic genres through four unique and distinct festivals. Our aim is to offer diverse forms of cultural activities through entertainment to different interest groups, and through the positive feedback we are receiving year after year, Festivals Malta is always coming closer to this goal with each passing year. I am excited for our audiences to experience this year’s summer festivals and I encourage everyone to attend.”
For more information about Festivals Malta’s summer festivals, visit www.festivals.mt.