Diversi kunċerti minn artisti lokali u internazzjonali
Il-Ministru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali Owen Bonnici ħabbar il-benefiċjarji ta’ Rock’N Malta għas-sena 2024. Rock’N Malta huwa fond amministrat minn Festivals Malta, bil-għan li jinċentiva lil diversi organizzaturi, promoturi, artisti, u bands lokali biex jinvestu fil-mużika tal-ġeneru rock, inkluż is-sottoġeneri kollha tiegħu.
Il-Ministru Owen Bonnici spjega li wara li ġew imnedija l-applikazzjonijiet f’Lulju li għadda, Festivals Malta rċieva numru sostanzjali ta’ sottomissjonijiet minn diversi organizzaturi u artisti. Għas-sena li ġejja, ġew magħżula total ta’ 26 proġett li ser jibbenifikaw minn dan il-fond.
“Sa mit-tnedija ta’ dan il-festival fl-2017, irnexxielna noffru s-sapport lil diversi artisti u organizzaturi lokali biex itellgħu kunċerti tar-rock u s-sottoġeneri kollha ta’ dan il-ġeneru. Dan il-festival mhux biss jagħti sapport lill-artisti lokali, iżda jgħin ukoll lill-organizzaturi biex jospitaw diversi artisti ta’ fama internazzjonali fix-xena tal-mużika rock,” temm jgħid il-Ministru Bonnici.
Iċ-Chairman ta’ Festivals Malta Aaron Zahra stqarr li Festivals Malta qiegħed ikompli jinvesti bis-sħiħ fil-mużika rock u s-sottoġeneri kollha tagħha. “Għandna diversi proġetti interessanti għas-sena d-dieħla li jinkludu diversi avvenimenti lokali tal-ogħla kwalità, kif ukoll bosta kunċerti kbar b’diversi artisti internazzjonali. M’għandix dubju li dawn l-avvenimenti ser ikunu suċċess. Inħeġġeġ lill-pubbliku sabiex jattendi bi ħġaru għall-avvenimenti li ser ikunu organizzati s-sena dieħla,” tenna s-Sur Zahra.
Min-naħa tiegħu, il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Festivals Malta, Frans Agius, ħabbar id-dettalji tal-avvenimenti li ser jibbenifikaw mill-fond ta’ Rock’N Malta u li ser isiru bejn Marzu u Diċembru tas-sena d-dieħla. “Rock’N Malta jagħmel parti integrali mill-kalendarju kulturali ta’ Festivals Malta għax permezz tiegħu nilħqu ġeneri mużikali li normalment ma jintlaħqux mill-festivals ewlenin tagħna. B’hekk, qed inkomplu nilħqu l-mira tal-aġenzija biex noffru sapport lill-artisti u l-organizzaturi lokali u nkomplu ninvestu f’produzzjonijiet tal-ogħla kwalità,” temm jgħid is-Sur Agius.
Il-benefiċjarji ta’ Rock’N Malta 2024 huma:
The Gozo Youth Orchestra
Spring Festival 2024
Dark Malta 2024
Xlokk Rocks Festival
Rock The South Festival
Għaqda Mużikali San Ġużepp Ħal Għaxaq
Earth Garden
Soċjetà Filarmonika Maria Mater Gratiae
Mosta Music Festival 2024
Rock in the Forest
Venti Music Fest
End of Summer Festival
Vinyl Paradise – The Power of Three: Blues Trio Phenomenon
Teatru Rock - Journey Through The 70s
Kunċertun tal-Milied – Travellers Christmas Concert
Time Lord by Iron Horde Promotions
A Symphony From Hell by Raw Not War Entertainment
Kunċert Vuċi għall-Annimali – A Night of Music, Compassion and Awareness
Malta Spectacular – The Variety Show
NNG Promotions
SoundArt Malta
Stones to Peppers III
Għal aktar informazzjoni fuq l-avvenimenti ta’ Festivals Malta żur www.festivals.mt.
Rock'N Malta Beneficiaries for 2024 announced
Various concerts featuring local and international artists
Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici announced the beneficiaries of Rock'N Malta for the year 2024. Rock'N Malta, a fund administered by Festivals Malta, serves as an incentive for various organisers, promoters, artists, and local bands to contribute to the diverse landscape of rock music, encompassing all its subgenres.
Minister Bonnici explained that, following the launch of applications in July, Festivals Malta received a substantial number of submissions from organisers and artists. Out of these, 26 projects have been selected to receive support from the fund in 2024.
“Since the inception of this festival in 2017, we have consistently provided support to numerous local artists and organisers, empowering them to organise rock concerts and explore all subgenres within this musical category. This festival not only backs local artists but also facilitates organisers in hosting internationally acclaimed artists within the rock music scene,” concluded Minister Bonnici.
Festivals Malta Chairman Aaron Zahra explained that Festivals Malta remains committed to fully investing in rock music and its subgenres. “We have exciting projects lined up for the coming year, featuring high-quality local events and outstanding concerts with internationally renowned artists. I am confident these events will be a tremendous success, and I encourage the public to attend the organised events next year,” stated Mr Zahra.
Frans Agius, CEO of Festivals Malta, unveiled the Rock’N Malta calendar of events scheduled between March and December 2024. “Rock'N Malta is an integral part of Festivals Malta’s cultural calendar, allowing us to explore new genres of music not prominently featured during our main festivals. This fund aligns with the agency’s goal to support local artists and organisers while investing in high-quality productions,” concluded Mr Agius.
The beneficiaries of Rock'N Malta 2024 are:
Spring Festival 2024
Spring Festival 2024
Dark Malta 2024
Xlokk Rocks Festival
Rock The South Festival
Għaqda Mużikali San Ġużepp Ħal Għaxaq
Earth Garden
Soċjetà Filarmonika Maria Mater Gratiae
Mosta Music Festival 2024
Rock in the Forest
Venti Music Fest
End of Summer Festival
Vinyl Paradise – The Power of Three: Blues Trio Phenomenon
Teatru Rock - Journey Through The 70s
Kunċertun tal-Milied – Travellers Christmas Concert
Time Lord by Iron Horde Promotions
A Symphony From Hell by Raw Not War Entertainment
Kunċert Vuċi għall-Annimali – A Night of Music, Compassion and Awareness
Malta Spectacular – The Variety Show
NNG Promotions
SoundArt Malta
Stones to Peppers III
For more information about Festivals Malta’s events, visit www.festivals.mt.