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Background on Triumphal Floats

There are 4 categories of triumphal floats are section A, section B, section C and section D, forming the competitive element of the national carnival programme. 


The competition has the structure of a type of “league”. This means that the winner of each section is promoted to a higher section whereas those who do not qualify for the first three places of their section are relegated to a section below the one that they would be in up until that point in time.

Ir-Re Tal-Karnival

Landa Carnival Company

This is the top section of the triumphal floats. The sizes of floats in Sections A, B and C cannot be higher than 6.07 metres (20 feet) from the ground for the sfilata. The length of the float is measured from the furthest point jutting out from the front of the float until the farthest point jutting out from the back of the float. In total, the length of the float (excluding the tractor which pulls the gloat) should be 9.75 metres (32 feet). The width will be 3.66 metres (12 feet).

In Sections A and B, the leader of the company may decide that there will be no more than 10 people on a float in costume. They all must be above the age of 13.

There can be no less than 7 major moving elements for triumphal floats in section A.

Triumphal Floats A

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This section has the same elements as Section A. The difference between the two sections is that the major movements in this section cannot be less than 5.

Triumphal Floats B

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The length of floats in this section are the same as that of Section A and B.

Triumphal floats in Section C are not permitted to have people in costumes on their floats.

The major movements of floats in section C should be no less than 4.

Triumphal Floats C

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The length of the triumphal floats in section D should be 9.14 metres (30 feet) excluding the tractor which pulls the float. The width of the float cannot be more than 3 metres (10 feet) and the height must be not more than 4.88 with the static parts of the float (15 feet), although this can increased to 6.15 metres (20 feet) with moving parts.

The major movements of floats in Section D cannot be more than 4.

Triumphal Floats D

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This is the only section which includes 3 competitions in one which includes a competition for costumes, floats and dance. People who apply to take part in this section must present a group of dancers, a costume and a float related to the overall theme. 


The company in Section A must include no less than 25 people, and not more than 36 people dancing. The members of the company must be 13 years and older on the day of Mardi Gras. 

Company Section A

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This section is composed of 2 competitions in one section: a competition for costume and another one for dance.


The companies in section B, must be made up of no less than 20 persons and not more than 36 for the dance. The dancers in this category must be of the age of 13 years and up on the day of Mardi gras of that same year.

Company Section B

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This section is also composed of two competitions in one section, as in section B. The difference between the two sections is that this election allows for dancers to be between the ages of 6 and 13.

Company Section C

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Participants in this section must participate in a costume which celebrates the “simple carnival costume” which is synonymous with the Maltese Carnival in the past.


Every performance must be composed of between 24 to 36 persons. The persons involved must be 13 years and older on the day of Mardi Gras of that year. The company can also include two mascots that are not younger than 5 years old on the day of Mardi gras who do not take part in the dance.

Company Section D

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Background on Carnival Companies

Over the years, the competitions including carnival companies evolved according to the needs of the moment. 


In the past (when there used to be a binary distinction between sexes) there was Company Section A, otherwise known as the “Couples” company where dancers would be paired up as couples, one being of the male gender and the other the female gender.


On the other hand Company Section B was also known as the “singles” section where it was not obligatory for the couple to be made up of persons from different genders.

In the past, Section A, B and even Section C are accompanied by gloats associated with the subject. 


When company section D was introduced, this was created so those who did not want to present a float could still participate

This is a new competition which was introduced with the advent of COVID-19. The aim of this portion of carnival is that a small float is exhibited in a particular place during carnival.


The size of the installations should not be larger than 4.5 metres (15 feet) when static whereas the installation must not be 4.5 metres (15 feet) long and not more than 3.05 metres (10 feet).


When this initiative started, the installations used to be exhibited in one place although in the last few editions of carnival, these installations have been exhibited in the streets of towns and villages around Malta.


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This section is composed of 2 competitions in one section: a competition for costume and another one for dance.


The companies in section B, must be made up of no less than 20 persons and not more than 36 for the dance. The dancers in this category must be of the age of 13 years and up on the day of Mardi gras of that same year.


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Skola Sant Anna,

Skola San Tumas Moore, Marsaskala

l-Iskola Primarja taż-Żejtun


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