Festivals Malta launched the 10th edition of The Three Palaces, Early Opera and Music Festival, which will take place between the 1st and the 12th of November. With the past two editions happening entirely on the digital sphere, the festival now returns in its traditional format. This time, the programme has been curated by a joint artistic team consisting of Michelle Castelletti and Kenneth Zammit Tabona, who brings an element of baroque opera to the festival.

Minister Owen Bonnici said that this event offers accessibility to various forms of art and to the historical and to our country's extraordinary historical buildings. "We aim to ensure that every art form is recognised, including the operatic sector in which our country is distinguishing itself," said Dr. Bonnici.

The festival is envisioned around the premise that “our ordinary is actually extraordinary”, which encourages patrons to appreciate the extraordinary architectural heritage that the Maltese islands boast. “I am absolutely thrilled to be presenting to you The Three Palaces Festival 2022 because we return to our glorious palaces - from the exquisiteness that is the Gran Salon, Auberge de Provence (Museum of Archaeology) to the magnificence and splendour of St John's Co-Cathedral. From the absolute Queen of Lieder with mezzo-soprano Dame Sarah Connolly to the sublimity of sound with ORA Singers, this year is a lush treat,” stated artistic director, Michelle Castelletti.

Kenneth Zammit Tabona announced that “as part of the Early Baroque Opera music programme, the two genres of Opera and Baroque shall be married in two wonderful works by Georg Frederick Handel in this year's edition of the festival as we will be presenting Partenope HWV27 and Belshazzar HWV61.”

The program starts off with Quatour, a chamber music concert; a sublime performance by vocal ensemble Ora Singers who will be performing a repertoire that commemorates the passing of Queen Elizabeth II; two works by Handel - the opera Partenope and the oratorio Belshazzar; two oratorios by the Maltese composer Joseph Vella - Rewwixta and Belt Rebbieħa, a jazz concert by a group of musicians from the English jazz club Ronnie Scotts, and a multidisciplinary work with a new interpretation of the film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari accompanied by live music from Minima. The festival also includes a special project for children by the Czech Marionette Theatre Company, Karromato, which tells a story of when the emperor asked Mozart to write an opera, with the aim of exposing young children to the arts, particularly opera.

Festivals Malta CEO Annabelle Stivala stated that “the programming of this year’s festival is paramount, as due to the hiatus caused by the pandemic, we have successfully merged three genres chamber music, baroque opera, as well as the works of Joseph Vella - creating a dynamic programme to appeal to a wider audience.”

“Thanks to this festival we are encouraging appreciation towards the Maltese architectural heritage which is often underestimated. The Three Palaces Early Opera & Music Festival gives access to all those who visit our country to these buildings and offers them a unique experience that they cannot find anywhere else around the world,” said Aaron Zahra, Chairman of Festivals Malta.

The Three Palaces Early Opera & Music Festival is organised by Festivals Malta. For tickets and more information visit www.festivals.mt.
Titnieda l-10 edizzjoni tat-Three Palaces Early Opera and Music Festival.
Wara żewġ edizzjonijiet li seħħew kompletament fuq l-isfera diġitali, it-Three Palaces Early Opera and Music Festival ser jirritorna fil-format tradizzjonali tiegħu bejn l-1 u t-12 ta’ Novembru 2022. Dan tħabbar mill-Ministru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali Owen Bonnici li spjega li din id-darba l-programm ġie kkurat minn tim artistiku konġunt, magħmul minn Michelle Castelletti u Kenneth Zammit Tabona, li saħħaħ bil-bosta l-element ta’ opra Barokka fil-festival.
Il-Ministru Owen Bonnici sostna li dan l-avveniment joffri aċċessibbiltà għal diversi forom ta’ arti u għall-binjiet storiċi u sbieħ ta’ pajjiżna. “Aħna nimmiraw li niżguraw li kull forma ta’ arti hija rikonoxxuta, inkluż is-settur operistiku li fih pajjiżna qed jiddistingwi ruħu,” saħaq Dr Bonnici.
Iċ-Chairperson ta’ Festivals Malta, Aaron Zahra, qal, “Grazzi għal dan il-festival qed inħeġġu l-apprezzament lejn il-wirt arkitettoniku Malti li ħafna drabi jiġi sottovalutat. It-Three Palaces Early Opera & Music Festival jagħti aċċess għal dawn il-binjiet lil dawk kollha li jżuru pajjiżna u joffrilhom esperjenza unika.”
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Festivals Malta, Annabelle Stivala, qalet li, “Il-programmazzjoni tal-festival ta’ din is-sena hija tal-akbar importanza, peress li minħabba l-waqfa kkawżata mill-pandemija, għaqqadna b’suċċess tliet ġeneri, chamber music, opra Barokka kif ukoll ix-xogħlijiet ta’ Joseph Vella – u b’hekk ħloqna programm dinamiku li jappella lil udjenzi usa’.”
Id-Direttur Artistiku, Michelle Castelletti, stqarret li hija kuntenta li qed jippreżentaw dan il-festival. “Fl-aħħar ser nirritornaw lejn il-palazzi glorjużi tagħna - mill-ġmiel tal-Gran Salon fil-binja straordinarja tal-Auberge de Provence (Mużew tal-Arkeoloġija), sal-katidral spettakolari tagħna, il-Konkatidral ta’ San Ġwann. Mir-reġina assoluta tal-Lieder mal-mezzosopran Dame Sarah Connolly, sas-sublimità tal-kor ORA Singers. Din is-sena il-festival huwa eċċezzjonali”.
Min-naħa tiegħu, id-Direttur Artistiku Kenneth Zammit Tabona ħabbar li, “Bħala parti mill-programm mużikali tal-Early Baroque Opera, iż-żewġ ġeneri tal-Opra u tal-Barokk se jiżżewġu f’żewġ xogħlijiet mill-isbaħ ta’ Georg Frederick Handel fl-edizzjoni ta’ din is-sena tal-festival hekk kif se nkunu qed nippreżentaw Partenope HWV27 u Belshazzar. HWV61.”
It-Three Palaces Early Opera & Music Festival huwa organizzat minn Festivals Malta. Għall-biljetti u għal aktar informazzjoni żur www.festivals.mt.