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Festivals Malta outlines logistical measures for Notte Bianca.


Notte Bianca will return on Saturday 1st October after a two hear hiatus, with over 50 events scattered throughout Valletta with multidisciplinary performances ranging across various artforms, including dance, artistic installations, music and theatre. This year’s programme of events includes various local and international acts, with names such as Freddie Portelli, ManaTapu, Tribali, Fakawi, Marisa D’Amato and Marty Rivers, Versatile Brass, Klinsmann, The Mel Collective feat. Matthew James and Karin D, and the headliners for this year’s main stage The Kolors amongst others.

Photo by Vince Piscopo

Since these events will all be happening the same time, Festivals Malta have organised the performances within different routes so that audiences can easily find events which interest them most. This year’s routes are The Kids Route, The Alternative Route, The Classics Route, The Music Route, The Red Route, The Dance Route, and The Theatre Route. A map with all the routes and the events within them is available here:

With the large turnout synonymous with Notte Bianca, Valletta’s streets will be bustling with activity all through the night. In order to mitigate traffic congestions the general public is highly recommend to use Public Transport, which as of the 1st October will be free of charge. The Tal-Linja Card still needs to be presented upon boarding. Malta Public Transport will also be increasing public transportation frequency after 11pm, with special bus routes specifically created for Notte Bianca. You can find the special night routes schedule here:

The ferry service from Sliema and Three Cities to and from Valletta will also be operating with extended hours until 2am.

Those who still want to travel with their personal vehicle should take note that access to Valletta will not be possible after 9:30am on Saturday. The general public can only access Valletta by car through the ringroad. However Transport Malta recommend that those traveling with their own vehicles, make use of the Park and Ride facilities since parking close to Valletta is very limited. Valletta residents will however have full access to the Capital City including parking upon presentation of their ID Card, with the exception of St Paul’s Street, which will not be accessible by anyone throughout Notte Bianca. Transport Malta officials will be available on site for traffic management.

Special arrangements have also been made for people with special needs. Those that have the blue badge can park in a dedicated parking area in South Street.

Photos by Vince Piscopo

This year, Notte Bianca will be back with a bang, with hundreds of artists uniting in one memorable evening, we invite the general public to join us in this wonderful celebration. And remember: ‘Anything you want, You got it!

For more information about Notte Bianca visit


Festivals Malta tindirizza l-miżuri loġistiċi għan-Notte Bianca.

Wara nuqqas ta’ sentejn Notte Bianca se tirritorna nhar is-Sibt li ġej b’aktar minn 50 avveniment mifruxa mal-Belt Valletta b’wirjiet multidixxiplinari li jvarjaw f’diversi forom tal-arti, inklużi żfin, stallazzjonijiet artistiċi, mużika u teatru. Il-programm ta’ din is-sena jinkludi diversi artisti lokali u internazzjonali, fosthom Freddie Portelli, ManaTapu, Tribali, Fakawi, Marisa D’Amato u Marty Rivers, Versatile Brass, Klinsmann, The Mel Collective feat . Matthew James u Karin D, u l-mistiedna speċjali ta’ din is-sena The Kolors, fost oħrajn.

Peress li dawn l-avvenimenti kollha se jkunu qed iseħħu fl-istess ħin, Festivals Malta organizzaw il-wirjiet f'rotot differenti sabiex l-udjenzi jkunu jistgħu faċilment isibu l-avvenimenti li jinteressawhom l-aktar. Ir-rotot ta’ din is-sena huma dawn: ir-rotta tat-tfal, ir-rotta alternattiva, ir-rotta l-klassika, ir-rotta tal-mużika, ir-rotta l-ħamra, ir-rotta taż-żfin u r-rotta tat-teatru. Mappa bir-rotot u l-avvenimenti kollha hija disponibbli hawn:

Bil-parteċipazzjoni kbira sinonima man-Notte Bianca, it-toroq tal-Belt Valletta se jkunu miżgħuda bl-attivitajiet matul il-lejl kollu. Sabiex tittaffa l-konġestjoni tat-traffiku, huwa rakkomandat li il-pubbliku ġenerali juża t-Trasport Pubbliku, li mill-1 ta' Ottubru se jkun bla ħlas. It-Tal-Linja Card trid tiġi ppreżentata abbord. Il-Malta Public Transport se tkun qed iżżid ukoll il-frekwenza tat-trasport pubbliku wara l-11pm, b’rotot speċjali tal-karozzi tal-linja maħluqa speċifikament għan-Notte Bianca. Tista' ssib l-iskeda tar-rotot speċjali hawn:

Servizz tal-ferry minn ta' Sliema u t-Tliet Ibliet għal u minn Valletta ser joperaw sa 2am.

Dawk li xorta jixtiequ jivvjaġġaw bil-vettura personali tagħhom għandhom ikunu jafu li l-Belt Valletta mhux se tkun aċċessibbli wara d-9:30 tas-Sibt filgħodu. Il-pubbliku ġenerali jista’ jaċċessa l-Belt Valletta bil-karozza permezz tar-ringroad biss. Madankollu Transport Malta tirrakkomanda li dawk li jivvjaġġaw bil-vetturi tagħhom stess, jagħmlu użu mill-faċilitajiet tal-Park and Ride peress li l-parkeġġ qrib il-Belt huwa limitat ħafna. Ir-residenti tal-Belt Valletta se jkollhom aċċess sħiħ għall Belt Valletta, inkluż il-parkeġġ, bl-eċċezzjoni ta’ Triq San Pawl biss, li se tkun magħluqa matul Notte Bianca, u huma meħtieġa jippreżentaw il-karta tal-identità tagħhom. Uffiċjali ta’ Transport Malta se jkunu disponibbli fuq il-post għall-immaniġġjar tat-traffiku.

Saru wkoll arranġamenti speċjali għal nies bi bżonnijiet speċjali. Dawk li għandhom il-blue badge jistgħu jipparkjaw f’żona ta’ parkeġġ apposta f’South Street.

Din is-sena, in-Notte Bianca se tirritorna bil-kbir, b’mijiet ta’ artisti jingħaqdu f’serata waħda memorabbli, nistiednu lill-pubbliku ġenerali biex jingħaqad magħna f’din iċ-ċelebrazzjoni mill-isbaħ. U ftakru: ‘Anything you want, You got it!

Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar in-Notte Bianca żur

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