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Festivals Malta Ħabbar Kunċert Speċjali Għal Jum l-Indipendenza 2023

Updated: Sep 15, 2023

Festivals Malta, f’isem il-Kumitat Festi Nazzjonali, ħabbar kunċert speċjali fl-okkażjoni tal-59 sena anniversarju tal-Indipendenza ta’ Malta. Fit-8 ta’ filgħaxija, fil-21 ta’ Settembru, bil-parteċipazzjoni tal-Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, ser jittella’ kunċert fit-Teatru Manoel taħt it-tmexxija ta’ Maestro Michael Laus.

Waqt dan il-kunċert, il-mużiċisti tal-Malta Philharmonic Orchestra ser idoqqu repertorju ta’ kanzunetti minn kompożituri ta’ mużika klassika Maltin jew ta’ nisel Malti. Il-lista ta’ xogħlijiet mużikali tinkludi kompożizzjonijiet ta’ Nicolò Isouard, Vincenzo Bugeja, Ruben Zahra, Paolino Vassallo, u Josef Bugeja. Din is-serata kommemorattiva wkoll ser tinkludi silta minn Giuseppe Verdi u Otto Nicolai.

Għal din l-okkażjoni, Festivals Malta qed joffri ammont limitat ta’ biljetti b’xejn għall-pubbliku fuq sistema ta’ first come first served. Min hu interessat li jakkwista biljetti għal dan il-kunċert għandu jibgħat email fl-indirizz elettroniku sa mhux aktar tard min-nhar it-Tnejn 18 ta’ Settembru, 2023.

F’din l-email, in-nies li huma interessati biex jirriżervaw spazju għandhom jinkludu l-isem u kunjom ta’ min jixtieq jattendi, l-indirizz postali u n-numru tal-karta tal-identità.


Festivals Malta Announces Special Concert for Independence Day 2023

Festivals Malta, on behalf of the National Festivities Committee, has announced a special concert on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of Malta's independence. At 8pm, 21st September, with the participation of the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, a concert will be held at Teatru Manoel under the leadership of Maestro Michael Laus.

During this concert, the musicians of the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra will perform a repertoire of songs by Maltese composers of classical music or musicians of Maltese descent. The list of musical works includes compositions by Nicolò Isouard, Vincenzo Bugeja, Ruben Zahra, Paolino Vassallo, and Josef Bugeja. This commemorative evening will also include a work by Giuseppe Verdi and Otto Nicolai.

For this occasion, Festivals Malta is offering a limited amount of free tickets to the public on a first come first served basis. Those interested in obtaining tickets for this concert are to send an email to the by not later than Monday 18th September, 2023.

In this email, persons who are interested in reserving a seat should include the name and surname of the person wishing to attend, their postal address and their identity card number.


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