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Ippjana Minn Qabel għal Notte Bianca 2024


Updated: Oct 4, 2024

Festivals Malta tħabbar aktar informazzjoni dwar is-servizzi estiżi tat-trasport pubbliku u dettalji loġistiċi oħra.

Notte Bianca tinsab biss jumejn 'il bogħod, u għaldaqstant hawnhekk tista’ issib id-dettalji kollha meħtieġa sabiex tkun tista' tippjana minn qabel biex ikollok l-aħjar esperjenza possibbli. Inqas ħin fit-traffiku u biex tara fejn tipparkja l-karozza tiegħek, ifisser aktar ħin biex tara l-prestazzjonijiet mill-artisti favoriti tiegħek waqt li tgawdi l-attivitajiet kollha li se jsiru waqt in-Notte Bianca 2024.

Servizzi Tal-Linja 

Qed nantiċipaw li l-Belt Valletta se tkun mimlija attività nhar is-Sibt 5 ta’ Ottubru, għalhekk nirrakkommandaw li fejn possibbli, jintuża t-trasport pubbliku minflok vetturi personali. Infakkrukom li t-trasport pubbliku huwa b’xejn (meta tippreżenta it-‘Tal-Linja Card’ tiegħek), u Transport Malta ffaċilitat is-servizz tagħha billi estendiet ir-rotot tagħha bil-lejl għal Notte Bianca. Filwaqt li l-iskeda sħiħa tista’ tiġi aċċessata hawn taħt, l-aħħar aġġornamenti dwar is-servizzi ta’ Tal-Linja jistgħu jiġu segwiti fuq is-sit tal-Malta Public Transport.


Rotta S10

Skeda: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am, 1am & 1:30am

Paola > Isla > Bormla > Kalkara

Rotta S12

Skeda: 11pm, 11:20pm, 11:40pm, 12am, 12:20am, 12:40am, 1am & 1:30am

Msida > St Julians > Pembroke > Baħar iċ-Ċaqħaq > Qawra > Buġibba

Rotta S13

Skeda: 11:05pm, 11:15pm, 11:25pm, 11:35pm, 11:45pm, 11:55pm, 12:05am, 12:15am, 12:25am, 12:35am, 12:45am, 12:55am, 1:05am, 1:20am, 1:40am & 2am

Msida > Gżira > Sliema > St Julians


Rotta S20

Skeda: 11:05pm, 11:25pm, 11:45pm, 12:05am, 12:25am, 12:45am, 1:05am & 1:35am

Msida > Rue D’Argens (Gżira) > San Ġwann > Għargħur


Rotta S40

Skeda: 11:05pm, 11:25pm, 11:45pm, 12:05am, 12:25am, 12:45am, 1:05am & 1:35am

Birkirkara Valley Road > Lija/Balzan > Technopark (Mosta) > Vjal l-Indipendenza (Mosta) > Mġarr > Manikata

Rotta S41

Skeda: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am, 1am & 1:30am

Coast Road > San Paul's Bay > Mellieħa > Ċirkewwa

Rotta S42

Skeda: 11:15pm, 11:45pm, 12:15am, 12:45am & 1:15am

Birkirkara Valley Road > Mosta > Żokrija (Mosta)

Rotta S47

Skeda: 11:10pm, 11:30pm, 11:50pm, 12:10am, 12:30am, 12:50am, 1:10am & 1:30am

Msida > Birkirkara Bypass > Lija/Balzan > Iklin > Naxxar > Sta Marguerita (Mosta) > Tarġa > Mosta Centre

Rotta S51

Skeda: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am, 1am & 1:30am

Fleur de Lys > Rabat > Mtarfa

Rotta S52

Skeda: 11:20pm, 12:20am & 1:20am

Fleur de Lys > Rabat > Dingli

Rotta 61

Skeda: 11:15pm, 11:45pm, 12:15am, 12:45am & 1:35amĦamrun > Qormi > Żebbug  (Sciortino) > Kandlora (Żebbuġ)

Rotta 62

Skeda: 11:05pm, 12:05am, & 1:05am

Ħamrun > Qormi Bypass > Siġġiewi

Rotta S71

Skeda: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am & 1:10am

Luqa (ġewwa) > Kirkop > Safi > Żurrieq


Rotta S72

Skeda: 11:15pm, 11:45pm, 12:15am, 12:45am & 1:15am

Luqa (barra) > Kirkop > Mqabba > Qrendi

Rotta S80

Skeda: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am & 1:15am

Sta Luċija > Gudja > Għaxaq > Birżebbuġa > Tal-Papa


Rotta S85

Skeda: 11:15pm, 11:45pm, 12:15am, 12:45am & 1:15am

Tarxien (Palm Street) > Bulebel > Żejtun > Montebello > Marsaxlokk


Rotta S90

Skeda: 11:05pm, 11:15pm, 11:35pm, 11:45pm, 12:10am, 12:40am, 12:55am, 1:10am & 1:30am

Paola > Fgura > Marsaskala


Rotta S94

Skeda: 11:10pm, 11:40pm, 12:10am, 12:40am, & 1:15am

Paola > Fgura > Żabbar > Xgħajra


Servizzi tal-Laneċ


Is-servizz tal-laneċ minn Tas-Sliema u t-Tlett Ibliet lejn u mill-Belt se jkun qed jopera wkoll b’ħinijiet estiżi sas-sagħtejn ta’ filgħodu. Filwaqt li l-Gozo Fast Ferry li topera mill-Belt se jkollha vjaġġ miżjud fin-nofsiegħa ta’ filgħodu għal aktar konvenjenza.

Toroq Magħluqa


Jekk xorta tippreferi tagħmel użu mill-vettura personali tiegħek nhar is-Sibt 5 ta’ Ottubru, allura għandek tinnota li l-aċċess għall-Belt Valletta mhux se jkun possibbli wara l-erbgħa ta’ wara nofsinhar. Se jiġu pprovduti s-servizzi tal-Valletta Park & ​​Ride, u l-aċċess għall-Belt Valletta b’karozza privata se jkun permezz tar-ring road biss. Ir-residenti se jingħataw aċċess għall-Belt Kapitali meta jippreżentaw il-karta tal-identità tagħhom. L-għeluq tat-toroq huwa kif ġej:


·      Triq Ġilormu Cassar

·      Triq San Mark

·      Triq il-Punent

·      Triq l-Ifran ma’ Triq Melita

·      Triq l-Ifran ma’ Triq San Kristofru

·      Triq il-Merkanti ma’ Triq San Duminku

·      Triq it-Tramuntana rokna mal-MCC


Lest għan-Notte Bianca? Ippjana minn qabel sabiex tkun tista' tesperjenza dan l-avveniment bl-aħjar mod possibbli. Narawkom hemm!


Ara l-programm sħiħ fuq



Plan ahead for Notte Bianca 2024

Festivals Malta announces more information about extended public transport service and other logistical details.


Notte Bianca is just two days away and we’re giving you all the necessary details so that you can plan ahead to have the best experience possible. Less time in traffic and figuring out where to park your car, means more time to watch your favourite artists perform while enjoying all of the activities available during Notte Bianca 2024.

Tal-Linja Service

It is anticipated that Valletta will be bustling with activity on Saturday 5th October, so we recommend that where possible, public transport is used instead of personal vehicles. We remind you that public transport is free (on presentation of your Tal-Linja Card), and Transport Malta have facilitated the service further by extending their night routes especially for the event. While the full schedule can be accessed below, the latest updates on Tal-Linja services can be followed through the Malta Public Transport website.


Route S10

Schedule: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am, 1am & 1:30am

Paola > Isla > Bormla > Kalkara

Route S12

Schedule: 11pm, 11:20pm, 11:40pm, 12am, 12:20am, 12:40am, 1am & 1:30am

Msida > St Julians > Pembroke > Baħar iċ-Ċaqħaq > Qawra > Buġibba

Route S13

Schedule: 11:05pm, 11:15pm, 11:25pm, 11:35pm, 11:45pm, 11:55pm, 12:05am, 12:15am, 12:25am, 12:35am, 12:45am, 12:55am, 1:05am, 1:20am, 1:40am & 2am

Msida > Gżira > Sliema > St Julians


Route S20

Schedule: 11:05pm, 11:25pm, 11:45pm, 12:05am, 12:25am, 12:45am, 1:05am & 1:35am

Msida > Rue D’Argens (Gżira) > San Ġwann > Għargħur


Route S40

Schedule: 11:05pm, 11:25pm, 11:45pm, 12:05am, 12:25am, 12:45am, 1:05am & 1:35am

Birkirkara Valley Road > Lija/Balzan > Technopark (Mosta) > Vjal l-Indipendenza (Mosta) > Mġarr > Manikata

Route S41

Schedule: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am, 1am & 1:30am

Coast Road > San Paul's Bay > Mellieħa > Ċirkewwa

Route S42

Schedule: 11:15pm, 11:45pm, 12:15am, 12:45am & 1:15am

Birkirkara Valley Road > Mosta > Żokrija (Mosta)

Route S47

Schedule: 11:10pm, 11:30pm, 11:50pm, 12:10am, 12:30am, 12:50am, 1:10am & 1:30am

Msida > Birkirkara Bypass > Lija/Balzan > Iklin > Naxxar > Sta Marguerita (Mosta) > Tarġa > Mosta Centre

Route S51

Schedule: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am, 1am & 1:30am

Fleur de Lys > Rabat > Mtarfa

Route S52

Schedule: 11:20pm, 12:20am & 1:20am

Fleur de Lys > Rabat > Dingli

Route 61

Schedule: 11:15pm, 11:45pm, 12:15am, 12:45am & 1:35amĦamrun > Qormi > Żebbug  (Sciortino) > Kandlora (Żebbuġ)

Route 62

Schedule: 11:05pm, 12:05am, & 1:05am

Ħamrun > Qormi Bypass > Siġġiewi

Route S71

Schedule: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am & 1:10am

Luqa (inside) > Kirkop > Safi > Żurrieq


Route S72

Schedule: 11:15pm, 11:45pm, 12:15am, 12:45am & 1:15am

Luqa (outside) > Kirkop > Mqabba > Qrendi

Route S80

Schedule: 11pm, 11:30pm, 12am, 12:30am & 1:15am

Sta Luċija > Gudja > Għaxaq > Birżebbuġa > Tal-Papa


Route S85

Schedule: 11:15pm, 11:45pm, 12:15am, 12:45am & 1:15am

Tarxien (Palm Street) > Bulebel > Żejtun > Montebello > Marsaxlokk


Route S90

Schedule: 11:05pm, 11:15pm, 11:35pm, 11:45pm, 12:10am, 12:40am, 12:55am, 1:10am & 1:30am

Paola > Fgura > Marsaskala


Route S94

Schedule: 11:10pm, 11:40pm, 12:10am, 12:40am, & 1:15am

Paola > Fgura > Żabbar > Xgħajra


Ferry Service


The ferry service from Sliema and The Three Cities to and from Valletta will also be operating with extended hours until 2am. The Gozo Fast Ferry operating from Valletta will have an added trip at 00:30am for added convenience.

Road Closures

If you still prefer to make use of your personal vehicle on Saturday 5th October, then you should note that access into Valletta will not be possible after 4pm. The Valletta Park & Ride services will be provided, and access to Valletta by private car will be via the ring road only. Residents will be granted access to the Capital City when presenting their identity card. Road closures are as follows:


·      Ġilormu Cassar Street

·      St Mark Street

·      West Street

·      Old Bakery Street with Melita Street

·      Old Bakery Street with St Christopher Street

·      Merchant Street with St Dominic Street

·      North Street corner with MCC


Are you ready for Notte Bianca? Make sure to plan ahead so that you can experience the event at its full potential. See you there!

Check out the full programme on



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