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Ritorn Grandjuż għal Notte Bianca 2022


Ritratt: Roberto Sarcia

Suċċess kbir għall-ħmistax-il edizzjoni ta’ Notte Bianca, li wara sentejn ta’ nuqqas il-poplu Malti attenda bi ħġaru. Festivals Malta, l-organizzatur ta’ dan il-festival annwali, issupera kull aspettattiva kemm fl-organizzazzjoni, kif ukoll fil-kwalità tal-produzzjonijiet preżentati.

Din is-sena attendew madwar 85,000 ruħ, numru rekord għal Notte Bianca, li kienet pjattaforma għal ’l fuq minn 50 attività li biex ittellgħat kien hemm kru ta’ iktar minn 300 ruħ u madwar 548 artist.

Ritratti: Kurt Mizzi

Il-Ministru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali Owen Bonnici stqarr kif wara nuqqas ta’ sentejn, irritornat bi kbir in-Notte Bianca. “Avveniment li fih komplejna nesebixxu u niċċelebraw il-kultura Maltija, fil-forom differenti tagħha, f’diversi avvenimenti speċjali għall-Belt Valletta," qal Dr Bonnici.

Iċ-chairman ta’ Festivals Malta, Aaron Zahra, qal li “s-suċċess tan-Notte Bianca 2022 juri biċ-ċar kemm il-poplu Malti għandu għal qalbu l-arti u l-kultura ta’ pajjiżna. Grat għall-impenn li Festivals Malta uriet fil-ħidma tagħha sabiex in-Notte Bianca ta’ din is-sena tkun tassew waħda grandjuża wara nuqqas ta’ sentejn. Inħarsu ’l quddiem lejn aktar avvenimenti li jkomplu jsawru l-kultura ta’ pajjiżna.”

Ritratti: Kurt Mizzi

Id-Direttur Artistiku Antoine Farrugia spjega li “f’din l-edizzjoni tan-Notte Bianca komplejna nibnu fuq l-edizzjonijiet preċedenti kemm fejn jidħol il-livell tal-proġetti ppreżentati, kif ukoll in-numru ta’ attivitajiet. Ħafna mill-proġetti huma maħluqa flimkien mal-artisti speċifikament għan-Notte Bianca u mhumiex proġetti li ħa tarhom xi mkien ieħor. Din is-sena ħassejna li kien iktar importanti mis-soltu li nieħdu ħsieb l-udjenzi u l-artisti tagħna għaliex dawn l-aħħar sentejn kienu iebsin għal kulħadd.”

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Festivals Malta, Annabelle Stivala spjegat li l-festival ta’ Notte Bianca huwa wieħed mill-ikbar li torganizza din l-aġenzija speċjalment minħabba l-fatt li jsiru għadd kbir ta’ attivitajiet f’post wieħed, f’lejla waħda. “Dan kollu ma kienx ikun possibbli mingħajr il-ħidma bla heda tal-ħaddiema kollha ta’ Festivals Malta, il-ħaddiema tekniċi, u mingħajr is-sapport ta’ entitajiet bħal Heritage Malta, il-Kunsill Lokali tal-Belt, il-Korp tal-Pulizija, id-Dipartiment tal-Protezzjoni Ċivili, ir-Red Cross, is-St John Ambulance, Transport Malta, il-LESA, u l-Awtorità tal-Artijiet”, temmet tgħid is-Sa Stivala.

Rittratti - Elisa von Brockdorff

Il-programm ta’ din is-sena kien imqassam fuq 7 rotot marbuta ma’ diversi forom ta’ arti. L-akbar rotta kienet ċertament dik tal-mużika fejn kien hemm madwar 20 proġett ta’ ġeneri diversi maqsuma bejn 7 palkijiet, knejjes, teatri u mużewijiet.

Il-proġett interessanti ħafna li kellha Notte Bianca ta’ din is-sena kien UNight li kien jikkonsisti minn kollaborazzjoni bejn artisti lokali, u artisti b’oriġini Mediterranja, Afrikana u Għarbija li taw prestazzjoni multidixxiplinarja fil-Gran Salon ġewwa l-Mużew tal-Arkeoloġija. Dan il-proġett iċċelebra l-għaqda fid-diversità.

Għall-Belt, l-istallazjoni tal-karozzi tal-linja tradizzjonali, kienet waħda tassew unika li qanqlet ħafna nostalġija. Dawn il-karozzi ma kienux biss dekor fi Pjazza Tritoni imma kienu parti minn proġett li jibni fuq l-istorja li dawn stess iġorru magħhom u servew ta’ palk għal diversi produzzjonijiet teatrali u taż-żfin.

Fil-Berġa ta’ Aragona kien hemm ukoll proġett li għaqqad l-għana tradizzjonali Malti f’fużjoni mar-ritmu tal-flamenco. Dan il-proġett kien frott ta’ kollaborazzjoni bejn għannejja Maltin u kumpanija taż-żfin lokali li tispeċjalizza fi żfin ta’ dan il-ġeneru. Dan sar b’investiment lejn il-wirt kulturali Malti sabiex jinżamm ħaj u relevanti.

Notte Bianca ttellgħet minn Festivals Malta fi ħdan il-Ministeru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali.


A Grand Return for Notte Bianca 2022

A great success for the fifteenth edition of Notte Bianca, which after two years of absence the Maltese people attended with enthusiasm. Festivals Malta, the organizer of this annual festival, exceeded all expectations both in the organization and in the quality of the productions presented.

This year around 85,000 people attended, a record number for Notte Bianca, which provided a platform for over 50 events, produced by a crew of over 300 people, and around 548 artists.

The Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government, Owen Bonnici, noted how after a two-year absence, Notte Bianca has returned with a bang. "An event in which we continued to showcase and celebrate Maltese culture, in its different forms, through numerous events around Valletta," said Dr Bonnici.

The chairman of Festivals Malta, Aaron Zahra, said that "the success of Notte Bianca 2022 clearly shows how much the Maltese people love art and culture. I am truly grateful for the commitment that Festivals Malta has shown in organising this year's Notte Bianca so that it could be such a successful comeback. We look forward to more events to continue shaping the cultural environment of our country."

The Artistic Director of Notte Bianca, Antoine Farrugia, explained that "in this edition of Notte Bianca we continued building on previous editions both when it comes to the level of the projects presented, as well as the number of activities. Most of the projects have been created together with the artists specifically for Notte Bianca. This year we felt it was more important than usual to take care of our audiences and artists because the last two years have been hard for everyone."

The CEO of Festivals Malta, Annabelle Stivala, explained that Notte Bianca is one of the biggest festivals organized by this agency especially due to the fact that a large number of activities are held in one place, in one evening. "All this would not have been possible without the tireless work of all the team at Festivals Malta, the technical crew, and without the support of entities such as Heritage Malta, the Valletta Local Council, the Police, the Department of Civil Protection, Red Cross, St John Ambulance, Transport Malta, LESA, and the Lands Authority", concluded Ms Stivala.

This year's program was distributed over 7 routes linked to various artforms. The biggest route was certainly the music route, where there were around 20 projects of various genres divided between 7 stages, churches, theaters and museums.

An exciting project featured in this edition of Notte Bianca was UNight, which consisted of a collaboration between local artists, and artists with Mediterranean, African and Arab origins who gave a multidisciplinary performance in the Gran Salon at the Museum of Archaeology. A project that celebrated unity in diversity through dance and fashion.

Għall-Belt, the installation with traditional Maltese buses, was a truly unique one that evoked a lot of nostalgia. These buses were not just a decoration in Pjazza Tritoni but were part of a project that builds on their history and served as a stage for various theater and dance productions.

The Auberge D’Aragon hosted Allegria, a project that fused Għana with the rhythms of flamenco. This project was the result of a collaboration between Maltese singers and a local dance company that specializes in this genre of dance. This was an investment towards the Maltese cultural heritage that is Għana in order to help keep it alive and relevant.

Notte Bianca was produced by Festivals Malta within the Ministry for National Heritage, Arts and Local Government.


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