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Il-Karattri tal-Fantasija Maltin

Il-Karattri tal-Fantasija Maltin

Malta International Arts Festival 2024 on Fringe

Il-pubbliku mistieden jingħaqad mal-atturi għal produzzjoni teatrali (bil-Malti) ispirata mill-karattri tal-fantasija Maltin li se sseħħ ġewwa s-swali tal-Palazz tal-Inkwiżitur fil-Birgu. Jilqgħana t-Tork tat-Taraġ li se jdawwarna mal-palazz sabiex jirrakkuntalna ġrajja tal-waħx. Fost il-karattri se niltaqgħu mal-Belliegħa’ li tgħix fil-bir li jinstab f’waħda mill-btieħi. Ġewwa ċ-ċelel tal-palazz insibu s-Saħħara, ikkundannata għall-mewt mill-inkwiżitur. Nisimgħu t-tnegħid ta’ Waħx il-Baqar u l-Gawgaw ikaxkar warajh xatba bl-imsiemer. Din il-produzzjoni teatrali tiġbor flimkien il-karattri tal-faniasija Maltin f’narrattiva informattiva u divertenti.

Illustrazzjoni: Eric Leone

Joseph Galea 

Joseph Galea jaħdem bħala attur, produttur u direttur tat-teatru u televiżjoni, kif ukoll awtur.  Huwa tħarreġ fl-arti teatrali fiċ-Ċentru tad-Drama Mikelanġ Borġ bejn l-1996 u l-1999. Bħala attur, direttur kif ukoll kittieb kellu xogħlijiet fit-Teatru Manoel, Spazju Kreattiv u waqt diversi festivals f’Malta. Galea kien  wieħed mil-fundaturi tal-Cospicua Short Play festival. Għal dawn l-aħħar snin kellu diversi proġetti teatrali li għamlu parti mill-programm  tal-Culture Pass fl-iskejjel. Il-Qarcilla, tradizzjoni antika fi żmien il-karnival reġgħet ġiet introdotta taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Galea fl-2014.  Fuq it-televiżjoni Joseph kellu partijiet f’diversi xogħlijiet drammatiċi fosthom Pupi fejn rebaħ il-premju tal-aħjar attur fil-Malta Television Awards 2007. Sa mill-2001 huwa pproduċa u dderieġa sensiliet  televizivi li jikludu programmi ta’ divertiment, drama, satira, dokudrama u dokumentarji fuq l-istazzjonijiet lokali. Galea dejjem ifittex li jikkolabora ma’ entitatijiet, gruppi u artisti oħrajn, għaliex jemmen li dan huwa l-aħjar mod kif toħloq proġetti innovattivi u ta’ kwalita’. Fl-2022 flimkien ma’ Tyrone Grima rebah il-premju tal-arti ghall-innovazzjoni bil-produzzjoni Zoom.

Jieħdu Sehem

Produzzjoni u Direzzjoni - Joseph Galea

Kitba - Trevor Zahra

Riċerka - Ġużi Gatt

Atturi - Fabio Mifsud, George Micallef, Antonella Galea Loffreda

Kantanti/Atturi - Grecia Bezzina, Johanna Hili, Petra Camilleri , Alexia Micallef

Żeffiena - Alaiah Aquilina

Mużiċista - Maria Spiteri

Koreografa - Celaine Buhagiar Bugeja

Kompożitur - Alex Vella Gregory

B'kollaborazzjoni ma' Heritage Malta



The public is invited to join the actors for a theatrical production (in Maltese) inspired by Maltese fantasy characters that will take place inside the halls of the Inquisitor's Palace in Birgu. The public is welcomed by 'It-Tork tat-Taraġ" who will take us around the palace to tell us a terrifying story. 'Il-Belliegħa' that lives in the well is  found in one of the courtyards. Inside the cells of the palace we find the Witch, condemned to death by the inquisitor. We hear the bellowing of 'Il-Waħx il-Baqar' and the 'Gawgaw' dragging behind him a gate with nails. This theatre production presents the ghosts and ghouls of Maltese folklore within an informative and entertaining narrative.

This performance will be in Maltese.


Joseph Galea 

Joseph Galea is an actor, producer and director for theatre and television, as well as an author. He received his education in theatre arts at the Mikelanġ Borġ Drama Center between 1996 and 1999. As an actor, director as well as writer his works have been performed at Teatru Manoel, Spazju Kreattiv and during various festivals in Malta. Galea was one of the founders of the Cospicua Short Play Festival. For the last few years he had several theatre projects that were part of the Culture Pass program in schools. The Qarcilla, an old tradition during the carnival was reintroduced under the direction of Galea in 2014. On television, Joseph has had parts in several dramatic works including Pupi where he won the best actor award at the Malta Television Awards 2007. Since 2001 he has produced and directed television series that include entertainment, drama, satire, docudrama and documentaries on the local stations. Galea always seeks to collaborate with other entities, groups and artists, because he believes that this is the best way to create innovative and quality projects. In 2022 together with Tyrone Grima he won the Premju Għall-Arti Għall-Innovazzjoni with the Zoom production.


Production and Direction - Joseph Galea

Author - Trevor Zahra

Researcher - Ġużi Gatt

Actors - Fabio Mifsud, George Micallef, Antonella Galea Loffreda

Singers/Actors - Grecia Bezzina, Johanna Hili, Petra Camilleri , Alexia Micallef

Dancers - Alaiah Aquilina

Musicians - Maria Spiteri

Choreographer - Celaine Buhagiar Bugeja

Composer - Alex Vella Gregory

In collaboration with Heritage Malta

16 June 2024
Inquisitor's Palace, Birgu
General Admission - €15
Concessions - €10
Audience Level
Minimum Age: 10 years
Other Dates
23 June 2024 at 8:30pm & 9:30pm
Terms & Conditions
Concessions are applicable to senior citizens (over 60 years), persons with disability*, students (on presentation of student card), European Youth Card holders, and children up to 12 years.

*Persons with disability can send an email to for a complimentary companion ticket (on presentation of a valid disability card - subject to availability).

This event is not wheelchair accessible.

This is not a seated event - audiences will move from one place to another during the performance.
Audiences need to ascend several flights of stairs to get to different parts of the performance.

All prices are inclusive of VAT

Malta International Arts Festival 2024 on Fringe

Il-Karattri tal-Fantasija Maltin

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