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Jinfetħu l-applikazzjonijiet għall-fond Rock'N Malta 2025

B’kollox qed jiġu allokati total ta’ €300,000

Il-Ministru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, L-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali Dr Owen Bonniċi nieda sejħa għall-applikazzjonijiet għall-fond Rock’N Malta 2025. B’kollox qed jiġu allokati total ta’ €300,000 f’fondi.

Dan il-fond huwa parti mill-portafoll estensiv ta’ Festivals Malta bil-għan li toffri għajnuna finanzjarja kif ukoll linji gwida fl-organizzazzjoni lill-artisti, l-organizzaturi u l-promoturi ta’ avvenimenti tal-mużika rock u s-sottoġeneri tagħha.

“Dan il-fond jgħin biex jtejjeb l-ambjent kulturali u mużikali ta’ pajjiżna fil-qasam tal-ġeneru rock. Il-fondi allokati joffru appoġġ siewi lil dawk li jaħdmu fil-qasam tal-mużika rock, u ninsab kuntent li dan il-programm kompla jissaħħaħ tul is-snin. Aħna kommessi li nkomplu nappoġġjaw l-artisti u l-organizzaturi biex itejbu l-kwalità tal-avvenimenti kulturali f'Malta,” sostna l-Ministru Bonnici.

Il-Ministru kompla li tul is-snin, Rock’N Malta kien ta’ benefiċċju għal diversi avvenimenti lokali bħal Rock the South, Dark Malta, Earth Garden, Għaxaq Music Festival u oħrajn, kif ukoll għal kunċerti minn artisti bħal Lordi, Anastasia, Dream Theatre, Steve Hackett u aktar.

Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Festivals Malta, Frans Agius spjega: “Permezz ta’ Rock’N Malta, Festivals Malta qed tilħaq firxa usa’ ta’ udjenza minn dik li nilħqu bil-festivals tagħna. B’dan il-fond qed inkomplu ninvestu fil-ġeneru tar-rock, u ser inkomplu naħdmu biex nagħtu aktar importanza lil dan is-settur mużikali li tant huwa popolari f’pajjiżna.”

Waqt il-konferenza tal-aħbarijiet ġiet żvelata wkoll il-brand il-ġdida ta’ Rock’N Malta. “Ħassejna l-importanza li nagħtu identità aktar vibranti lill-iniziattiva mhux biss biex il-brand tkun aktar appellabbli iżda tkun qed tirrappreżenta l-ġeneru tar-rock b’mod aħjar,” ikkonkluda s-Sur Agius.

L-applikazzjonijiet għall-fondi ta’ Rock’N Malta 2025 jagħlqu fl-20 ta’ Settembru 2024. Kull min hu interessat japplika għandu jżur is-sit għal aktar informazzjoni.


Applications for the Rock’N Malta fund for 2025 are now open

In total, €300,000 in funds are being allocated

The Minister for National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Dr Owen Bonnici has launched the call for applications for the Rock'N Malta fund for 2025. In total, €300,000 in funds are being allocated as part of this initiative.

This fund is part of the extensive portfolio of Festivals Malta with the aim of providing financial assistance as well as event organisation guidelines to artists, organisers and promoters of rock music events and its subgenres.

"This fund is an initiative that helps to improve our country's cultural and musical landscape for the rock genre. The allocated funds offer valuable support to those working in the field of rock music, and I am happy that this program has continued to develop over the years. We are committed to continue supporting artists and organisers to improve the quality of cultural events in Malta," said Minister Bonnici.

Minister Bonnici said that over the years, this scheme has been of benefit to various local events such as Rock the South, Dark Malta, Earth Garden, Għaxaq Music Festival and others, as well as for concerts by artists such as Lordi, Anastasia, Dream Theatre, Steve Hackett and more.

The CEO of Festivals Malta, Frans Agius explained, "Through Rock'N Malta Festivals Malta is reaching a wider audience than the one we reach with our main festivals. This fund is Festivals Malta's investment towards the rock genre, and we will continue working to give more importance to this musical sector which is so popular in our country.”

During the news conference the new Rock'N Malta brand was also revealed. "We felt the importance of giving a fresher and more vibrant identity to the festival to not only make the brand more appealing to a younger audience but also to represent the rock genre more appropriately," concluded Mr Agius.

Applications for Rock'N Malta 2025 funds close on the 20th September 2024. Anyone who is interested in applying should visit the site for more information.


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