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Notte Bianca 'Atmosfera': Opportunity for Business Establishments

Notte Bianca is offering the opportunity for business establishments situated in Valletta that are going to open or organise an event during this year’s Notte Bianca, to be part of the official programme under the ‘Atmosfera’ programme. We encourage you to participate in Valletta’s largest cultural event.

If you would like to be listed under the ‘Atmosfera 2019’ programme, kindly send us an email with your interest, on by Friday 23rd August.


Notte Bianca qiegħda toffri opportunità lill-azjendi ibbażati ġewwa l-Belt Valletta li ser ikunu miftuħa jew ser jorganizzaw xi attività waqt in-Notte Bianca ta’ din is-sena u jixtiequ jkunu nklużi fil-programm uffiċjali taħt ‘Atmosfera’. Kun parti mill-akbar avveniment annwali fil-Belt Valletta.

Jekk int interessat/a li trid tkun parti mill-programm ‘Atmosfera 2019’, ibgħatilna fuq sal-Ġimgħa 23 ta’ Awwissu.


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