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Stqarrija: Jum L-Indipendenza 2023

Ritratt/Photo: Frank Vincentz

Fl-okkażjoni ta’ Jum l-Indipendenza, Festivals Malta, permezz tal-Kumitat Festi Nazzjonali, se torganizza dawn l-attivitajiet li ġejjin.

Nhar il-21 ta’ Settembru, filgħodu fid-9:10am, il-Gwardja tal-Unur u l-Banda tal-Forzi Armati jieħdu posthom f’Misraħ San Ġwann sabiex mal-wasla tal-President ta’ Malta George Vella, jingħata salut nazzjonali u ssir spezzjoni tal-Gwardja tal-Unur.

Fid-9:30am tibda’ quddiesa pontifikali u kant tat-Te Deum li jiġu mxandra live fuq TVM.

Wara l-quddiesa, isir it-tqegħid ta’ fjuri fuq il-monument tal-Indipendenza l-Furjana mill-ogħla awtoritajiet tal- pajjiż: il-President ta’ Malta, l-Aġent Prim Ministru, u l-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni.

Filgħaxija mbagħad, fit-8:00pm it-Teatru Manoel, jiġi ppreżentat kunċert mill-Orkestra Filarmonika ta’ Malta taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro. Michael Laus, li se jixxandar fuq TVM News Plus fid-9:00pm.

Dan il-kunċert se jinkludi xogħlijiet minn diversi kompożituri ta’ mużika klassika Maltin jew ta’ nisel Malti. Il- lista ta’ xogħlijiet mużikali tinkludi kompożizzjonijiet ta’ Nicolò Isouard, Vincenzo Bugeja, Ruben Zahra, Paolino Vassallo, u Josef Bugeja. Din is-serata kommemorattiva wkoll ser tinkludi silta minn Giuseppe Verdi u Otto Nicolai.


On the occasion of Malta's Independence Day, Festivals Malta, through the National Festivities Committee, will be organising the following activities.

On 21 September at 9:10am, the Guard of honour and the Armed Forces Band will take their place in St John's Square so that on the arrival of President George Vella, a national salute will be given and an inspection of the Guard of honour will be carried out.

A pontifical mass will start at 9:30am and a performance of a Te Deum will be transmitted live on TVM.

After the Mass, flowers will be laid on the independence monument in Floriana by the highest authorities of the country: the President of Malta, the acting Prime Minister, and the Leader of the Opposition.

In the evening, at 8:00pm the Manoel Theatre will be presented with a concert by the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Mro. Michael Laus, which will be transmitted on TVM News Plus at 9:00pm.

This concert will include works by various Maltese classical music composers or Maltese descendants. The list of musical works includes compositions by Nicolo Isouard, Vincenzo Bugeja, Ruben Zahra, Paolino Vassallo, and Josef Bugeja.

This commemorative evening will also include an excerpt by Giuseppe Verdi and Otto Nicolai.


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