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Valletta Baroque Festival's 10th Edition to Feature an Abridged Programme

Over the past days, Festivals Malta has been following the developments of the Covid-19 situation in Malta and around the world. Due to the increasing number of cases, the Valletta Baroque Festival will be abridged to include only local ensembles. As a result, the international portion of the programme will be postponed to the next edition of the Valletta Baroque Festival in 2023.

While Festivals Malta was looking forward to organising the 10th edition of the Valletta Baroque Festival, the agency felt that this was the most responsible action to take in order to safeguard the wellbeing of its artists, team and patrons.

In this light, the abridged edition will be held between the 18th and 28th of January 2022. A full refund will be issued to all patrons for the cancelled events.

Festivals Malta would like to apologise for any inconveniences caused.

The Valletta Baroque Festival is organised by Festivals Malta in collaboration with Teatru Manoel and Visit Malta. For more information visit


L-Għaxar Edizzjoni tal-Valletta Baroque Festival b’Verżjoni Ridotta

Tul dawn l-aħħar ġranet, Festivals Malta beda jsegwi mill-viċin l-iżviluppi tas-sitwazzjoni tal-Covid-19 f’Malta u madwar id-dinja. Huwa għalhekk li minħabba ż-żieda fin-numru ta’ każijiet il-programm tal-Valletta Baroque Festival ser jiġi ridott biex jinkludi gruppi lokali biss. Il-gruppi internazzjonali li kienu parti mill-programm ta’ din is-sena ser jiġu posposti għall-edizzjoni tas-sena d-dieħla.

Filwaqt li t-tim kollu ta’ Festivals Malta kien qed jaħdem bi ħġaru biex jorganizza l-10 edizzjoni tal-Valletta Baroque Festival, l-agenzija ħasset li d-deċiżjoni li ttieħdet kienet l-aktar azzjoni responsabbli biex tiġi mħarsa s-saħħa tal-artisti, t-tim u l-pubbliku ġenerali.

Għaldaqstant, l-edizzjoni ridotta ser issir bejn it-18 u t-28 ta’ Jannar 2022. Rifużjoni sħiħa tal-biljetti ser tingħata lil dawk kollha li bbukjaw għall-avvenimenti li ġew ikkanċellati.

Festivals Malta jixtieq jiskuża ruħu għal kull inkonvenjent.

Il-Valletta Baroque Festival huwa organizzat minn Festivals Malta b’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Teatru Manoel u Visit Malta. Għal aktar informazzjoni żur

2 comentarios

Miembro desconocido
15 ene 2022

Coming into the college basketball season it was no secret which of the new Oklahoma State men's basketball players would garner the most attention Jahz Watts Jersey. People are naturally going to be focused on a consensus #1 recruit who is considered by all to be a "one and done."So far Cade Cunningham has not disappointed, proving to be a consistent stat stuffer. In my amateur opinion, however, he has NOT been the most impactful addition to OSU's roster.Boynton's incoming class was top ten in the country and hinted at a number of possible new stars, but the coronavirus has limited our ability to see what is really happening.Now, after three games, I believe it is pretty clear…

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Miembro desconocido
07 ene 2022

The short notice of the changes is not particularly helpful. The revised programme would appear to be sold out already. Or at least when I try to book, I am told it is sold out. The website will not let me register for the “waiting list”, which is also unhelpful. My wife and I are booked to fly in from the UK for the festival . I have no idea now if any of the rescheduled events are available.

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