Festivals Malta issues a call for projects for the 9th edition of The Three Palaces Festival
In a year that is still uncertain, Festivals Malta has decided to issue a call for projects for the 9th edition of The Three Palaces Festival that is happening between the 5th and the 14th of November, 2021.
"As I always say, we must find ways to dance in the rain. I am therefore inviting all creatives in Malta to join us to collectively deliver a marvellous festival, which reflects our vibrant society, our rich heritage, and our excitingly ambitious creativity. I want us to embrace the digital world we are living in, whilst gripping tightly to our extraordinary history." - Dr Michelle Castelletti.
The inspiration:
- The 700th anniversary of Dante
- The 450th anniversary of Caravaggio
- Malta’s Heritage
Call Outline:
We are calling for proposals for digital ‘performances’ – created specifically for this medium, across every discipline. We are therefore calling for dance, visual art, drama, literature, music, digital installation, interdisciplinary creation. Every art form will be considered equally as long as it is an ‘experience’ that is created to be delivered virtually. We are working on the theme of sacred and profane, reflecting the contrasts found in Caravaggio’s chiaroscuro and tenebrism, as well as in the journey from Hell to Paradise together with Dante and Beatrice. The festival is strongly encouraging the incorporation of our heritage, particularly in architectural and artistic terms. For each selected project there will be a €7,000 all-inclusive grant with the possibility to request an additional [smaller] budget if the project can incorporate an educational project with it.
The festival is also calling for a physical/digital interactive installation for the streets of one of our cities: Valletta, Mdina, or the Three Cities. This should be planned to last for the duration of the festival. For this installation, there is a €10,000 all-inclusive grant.
Finally, the festival is inviting visual artists (of any medium) to collaborate and create a joint exhibition in response to the festival’s theme. This should be planned for the duration of the festival in a space that works best for the exhibition proposed and adheres to all health and safety regulations. For this installation, there is a €10,000 all-inclusive grant.
Project Duration:
The duration for each project should be dictated by the project itself. Twenty minutes can work just as well as forty-five minutes. It is all relative to what is being proposed.
How to Apply:
All expressions of interest and proposals, including concept, detailed description/narrative, artists' CVs, and /or portfolios with examples together with accompanying budgets need to be sent to info.fm@festivals.mt to the attention of the Festival Manager by not later than August 31, 2021. The festival will inform the participants by September 6, 2021. Finalised chosen productions need to be submitted to the festival by October 25th at noon.