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  • Writer's pictureFestivals Malta


Notte Bianca huwa wieħed mill-akbar festivals annwali tal-arti u l-kultura f’Malta, b’diversi avvenimenti li jseħħu madwar il-Belt Valletta f’lejl wieħed biss.

Dan il-festival, li jsir fl-ewwel Sibt ta’ Ottubru, jitrassforma it-toroq tal-Belt Valletta f’ċelebrazzjoni spettakolari tal-arti li jkunu miftuħa għall-pubbliku mingħajr ħlas. It-toroq, il-pjazez, il-knejjes, il-palazzi tal-istat, u l-mużewijiet tal-Belt Valletta jinbidlu f’palkijiet u spazji għal numru kbir ta’ prestazzjonijiet artistiċi u kunċerti, filwaqt li ħafna kafetteriji u ristoranti jestendu l-ħinijiet tal-ftuħ tagħhom.

Festivals Malta qiegħed jaċċetta espressjonijiet ta’ interess għas-16-il edizzjoni ta' Notte Bianca, li se ssir nhar is-Sibt 7 ta’ Ottubru 2023.

Festivals Malta jistieden lil dawk kollha interessati jissottomettu l-proposti tal-proġetti kreattivi tagħhom biex jiġu kkunsidrati għall-programm artistiku ta' estimaNotte Bianca 2023. Proġetti oriġinali ser jingħataw preferenza. Jekk il-kunċett tal-proġett jikkumplimenta l-viżjoni artistika tal-festival, it-tim ta’ Notte Bianca se jorganizza laqgħat mal-applikant sabiex flimkien jesploraw u jiżviluppaw il-proġett f’aktar dettall.

Il-proposta artistika trid tinkludi wkoll is-servizz ta’ koordinatur li jkun kommess li jaħdem id f'id mal-maniġer tal-festival u mad-direttur artistiku mill-bidu sal-aħħar tal-proġett.

L-espressjonijiet ta’ interess għandhom jintbagħtu b’email fuq jew jiġu sottomessi f'envelopp issiġillat fl-uffiċċini ta’ Festivals Malta fil-Furjana, sa mhux aktar tard mill-Ġimgħa 20 ta’ Jannar 2023 sa nofsinhar. Dan għandu jiġi indirizzat kif ġej:

Notte Bianca 2023 Espressjoni ta' Interess,

Festivals Malta,

Europa Centre,

13, Floor II, Triq John Lopez,


Għal kull kjarifika, l-applikanti interessati huma mistiedna jibagħtu email fuq bis-suġġett Notte Bianca 2023 Expression of Interest - Clarifications, sal-Ġimgħa 13 ta’ Jannar 2023 sa nofsinhar.

Applikazzjonijiet li jidħlu tard mhux se jiġu aċċettati.

NB 2023 Applikazzjoni ghal Espressjoni ta' Interess
Download PDF • 618KB



Notte Bianca is one of Malta’s biggest annual arts and culture festivals, with various events happening all around Valletta in just one night.

Taking place on the first Saturday of October, the Valletta cityscape lights up with a spectacular celebration of the arts that is open to the public free of charge. Valletta’s streets, piazzas, churches, state palaces, and museums are transformed into venues for a myriad of live performances and concerts, while many cafés and restaurants extend their opening hours.

Festivals Malta is accepting expressions of interest for the 16th edition of Notte Bianca, which will be held on Saturday 7th October 2023.

Festivals Malta invites interested parties to submit their creative project proposals to be considered for the Notte Bianca 2023 artistic programme. Preference will be given to original projects. Should the concept of the project fit the creative vision of the festival, the Notte Bianca team will set up meetings with the applicant in order to explore and develop the project in further detail.

The artistic proposal must also include the service of a coordinator who will be committed to liaising with the festival manager and the artistic director from the start to the completion of the project.

Expressions of interest should be sent by email to or delivered by hand to the Festivals Malta offices in Floriana, by not later than Friday 20th January 2023 by noon. This should be addressed as follows:

Notte Bianca 2023 Expression of Interest,

Festivals Malta,

Europa Centre,

13, Floor II, John Lopez Street,


For any clarifications, interested applicants are welcome to send an email to with Notte Bianca 2023 Expression of Interest - Clarifications in the subject by Friday 13th January 2023 by noon.

Late applications will not be accepted.

NB 2023 Application for Expression of Interest
Download PDF • 581KB

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