After a two-year hiatus, Notte Bianca will make a grand return on Saturday 1st October from 7 p.m. onwards with an exciting programme that contains various art forms and performances of the highest caliber by local and international artists.
Minister for the National Heritage, the Arts and Local Government Owen Bonnici underlined the importance of Notte Bianca for the cultural sector. “Notte Bianca is a continuous, direct investment in the cultural sector, which continues to evolve this platform in a way that makes it more accessible to artists and our society,” stated Dr Bonnici.

The Minister emphasised that the aim of this festival centers around nurturing awareness and appreciation for the identity and culture of Malta and Valletta, whilst embracing the cultural value in people’s lives. He continued saying that the programme does not only contain numerous events where the public can enjoy and participate in various activities, but it will also offer the opportunity for both local and international artists to showcase their talents. During this year’s edition there will be 584 artists and more than 50 artistic events.
Festivals Malta Chairman Aaron Zahra said that, although Notte Bianca was not held in its original format for the last two years, Festivals Malta still produced innovative cultural activities in its stead, which followed the health guidelines at the time.

“Now that Notte Bianca will return in full glory, Festivals Malta will continue developing this festival to offer opportunities to various local artists, expose Malta as a cultural destination, and offer entertainment, as well as educational and artistic value to our audiences,” stated Mr Zahra.
Festivals Malta CEO Annabelle Stivala explained that Notte Bianca will bring the capital city to life for an evening of entertainment that will appeal to everyone’s interests, with various events for the whole family that include music, dancing, installations and theatre, among others. “Valletta will have something going on in every corner, with the main stage in St. George’s Square, roaming performances, an alternative stage in Laparelli Gardens, and an installation in Tritoni Square, among many other initiatives. The latter will surely be very nostalgic as we will see the traditional Maltese buses exhibited in a unique way,” stated Ms Stivala.

Notte Bianca Artistic Director Antoine Farrugia explained how this year’s tagline, ‘Anything you want, you got it’, inspired the jingle for the festival, which is a cover of the refrain from Roy Orbison’s classic song 'You Got It’.

“The refrain of this song was chosen as it embodies the variety of this year’s programme. Valletta will transform into an entertainment hub with something for everyone. The performances are organised into different routes, such as the children’s route with activities that will start from 4:00 p.m.; the music route, which includes various genres like jazz, blues, pop, rock and much more; the classical route; the theatre route; the dance route; and the alternative route, featuring ethnic music with the participation of Fakawi, Manatapu, Tribali and Trakadum in Gnien Laparelli,” Mr Farrugia explained.
For more information about the Notte Bianca programme, visit www.festivals.mt/nb.
Photo: Darren Agius
PR06092022 - Jitnieda l-programm għan-Notte Bianca ta’ din is-sena.
Wara sentejn ta’ edizzjonijiet ridotti, in-Notte Bianca ser terġa’ tirritorna nhar is-Sibt, l-1 ta’ Ottubru, mis-sebgħa ta’ filgħaxija ‘l quddiem. Dan permezz ta’ programm li jinkludi diversi forom tal-arti, bi prestazzjonijiet tal-ogħla livell minn artisti lokali u internazzjonali.
Il-Ministru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali Owen Bonnici spjega l-importanza tan-Notte Bianca għas-settur kulturali. “In-Notte Bianca huwa investiment dirett kontinwu fis-settur kulturali li qiegħed ikompli jiżviluppa din il-pjattaforma b’mod li ssir aktar aċċessibbli għall-artisti u s-soċjetà tagħna”, qal il-Ministru Bonnici.
Huwa sostna li l-għan ewlieni jibqa’ li nrawmu fil-ħajja tan-nies il-kuxjenza u l-apprezzament għall-identità u l-kultura Maltija u tal-Belt Valletta, b’mod partikolari. Kompla jgħid li dan il-programm ma fihx biss varjetà ta’ avvenimenti iżda ser joffri l-opportunità lil diversi artisti biex juru t-talenti tagħhom. Fil-fatt, b’kollox se jkun hemm 584 artisti u aktar minn 50 spettaklu differenti.
Iċ-Chairman ta’ Festivals Malta is-Sur Aaron Zahra qal li għalkemm dawn l-aħħar sentejn in-Notte Bianca ma saritx fil-format oriġinali tagħha, Festivals Malta xorta waħda ħadmet biex toffri diversi attivitajiet kulturali u innovattivi li mxew mal-miżuri ta’ dak iż-żmien.
“Issa li n-Notte Bianca ser terġa’ tirritorna għall-format oriġinali tagħha, Festivals Malta ser tkompli taħdem biex dejjem tiżviluppa dan il-festival, filwaqt li toffri opportunitajiet lil diversi artisti lokali, filwaqt li tesponi lil Malta bħala destinazzjoni kulturali, u toffri divertiment u valur edukazzjonali u artistiku lill-udjenzi tagħna”, qal is-Sur Zahra.
Il-Kap Eżekuttiv ta’ Festivals Malta Annabelle Stivala spjegat li bħal kull edizzjoni, in-Notte Bianca ser iddawwal il-Belt għal lejla ta’ divertiment li tolqot il-gosti ta’ kulħadd. B’diversi avvenimenti għall-familja kollha li jinkludu l-mużika, iż-żfin, installazzjonijiet, u t-teatru, fost ħafna aktar. “Il-Belt ser ikollha xi ħaġa għaddejja f’kull rokna, bil-palk prinċipali fi Pjazza San Ġorġ, prestazzjonijiet li jimxu mat-toroq, palk ta’ mużika alternattiva fi Ġnien Laparelli, u installazzjoni interessanti fi Pjazza Tritoni, fost ħafna inizjattivi oħra. Din tal-aħħar żgur li ser tqajjem nostalġija għaliex ser naraw diversi karozzi tal-linja antiki esebiti b’mod mhux tas-soltu”, qalet is-Sinjura Stivala.
Id-Direttur Artistiku tal-Festival Antoine Farrugia spjega li t-tagline ta’ din is-sena “Anything you want – you got it”, spirat il-jingle tal-festival, li hija cover version tar-ritornell tal-kanzunetta klassika ta’ Roy Orbison “You Got It”.
“Intgħażlet proprju din il-frażi biex nesprimu l-varjetà li ser joffri dan il-programm. Il-Belt ser tinxtagħal bl-attivitajiet differenti madwar it-toroq prinċipali bi programm li joffri xi ħaġa għal kulħadd. L-attivitajiet ser jinqasmu f’diversi rotot, fosthom ir-rotta tat-tfal b’attivitajiet li ser jibdew mill-4:00pm; ir-rotta tal-mużika, li tinkludi ġeneri varjati fosthom jazz, blues, pop, rock u ħafna aktar; ir-rotta klassika; ir-rotta tat-teatru; ir-rotta taż-żfin; u r-rotta alternattiva, li ser toffri mużika etnika bis-sehem ta’ Fakawi, Manatapu, Tribali, u Trakadum fi Ġnien Laparelli”, qal is-Sur Farrugia.
Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar il-programm tan-Notte Bianca, żur www.festivals.mt/nb.
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