Programme of Events
18 June - 3 July 2022
Full Immersion
The opening event of the festival celebrates Malta’s artistic heritage. A selection of artworks have been captured to portray a new perspective of each for an immersive experience. This son et lumière video installation will take audiences on a spectacular journey to experience some of Malta’s artistic masterworks in large scale.
Produzzjoni teatrali li se tittella’ f’Bormla madwar il-Baċir nru 1. Il-pubbliku mistieden jingħaqad mal-atturi għal vjaġġ b’narrattiva ta’ leġġendi u aneddoti marbutin mal-Kottonera. Il-pubbliku huwa mistieden jimxi mal-atturi sabiex isegwi l-itineranti tal-ispettaklu li se jseħħ fuq l-art kif ukoll fil-baħar, akkumpanjat minn mużika u kanzunetti.
Visual Arts Community Project
More than 20 artists showcase their art along the Marsaskala promenade. This event is organised in collaboration with the Rudy Buhler Art gallery, which is hosting other works by the artists. One of the highlights of this event is a large-scale mural by Malta Street Art Collective, especially commissioned by the Malta International Arts Festival.
Harbour Odyssey
A site-specific production, designed to take place on the front deck of a beautiful 38-metre long two-masted vessel. As the schooner cruises the waters, the audience joins the actors and musicians to experience a collection of historical anecdotes and local legends set within the panoramic views of Grand Harbour.
Chaotic Harmony
Chaotic Harmony is a musical journey through the repertoire of the modern flute, with flute virtuoso Massimo Mercelli, accompanied by string quintet. This project connects local artists with international talent, featuring musicians from the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra. Chaotic Harmony also introduces an interdisciplinary dimension with choreographies by Moveo Dance Company.
Carolina Eyck – Theremin & Voice
Carolina Eyck is an internationally acclaimed performer of the distinctive “Theremin” – the only instrument in the world that is played without any physical contact. In her solo performance, Carolina's voice and theremin form the perfect symbiosis as she triggers live loops creating complex layers of sound.
Beethoven Forever
“Beethoven Forever” combines a full orchestra with digital animation and theatre on the stage of Teatru Manoel for an entertaining journey through all of Beethoven’s 9 symphonies. This family-friendly production has been curated to present a series of symphonic excerpts, accompanied by animations and illustrations that portray the narrative of each sequence. Featuring the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, under the direction of Michael Laus.