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Vacancy – Programming & Productions Officerwithin Festivals Malta Agency


Jobsplus Permit Number 898/2023

Festivals Malta Agency, under the responsibility of the Ministry for NationalHeritage, the Arts and Local Government, invites applications for the post of a Programming & Productions Officer. Applications are to be received by notlater than Friday 15th December 2023, at noon, by email to ( .

Further information can be found on the Festivals Malta website (

Vakanza ta’ Ufficjal tal-Programmazjoni u Produzzjonijiet

fl-Aġenzija Festivals Malta

Numru tal-Permess tal-Jobsplus 898/2023

L-Aġenzija Festivals Malta, taħt ir-responsabilità tal-Ministeru għall-Wirt Nazzjonali, l-Arti u l-Gvern Lokali, tavża li qed tirċievi applikazzjonijiet minn individwi għax-xogħol ta’ Uffiċjal tal-Programmazjoni u Produzzjonijiet. L-applikazzjonijiet se jintlaqgħu mill-Aġenzija sal-Ġimgħa, 15 ta’ Dicembru2023, sa nofsinhar, permezz ta’ ittra elettronika lil (

Iktar informazzjoni tista’ titniżżel mis-sit elettroniku ta’ Festivals Malta (

Duties & Responsibilities

i. Plan the administrative and logistics for events/projects as per direction of CEO, Festivals Manager/s and Artistic Director/s.

ii. Assist on all areas of administrative, event planning, delivery and operational support following a time plan.

iii. Develop memoranda and other correspondence to address routine incoming mail that can be handled without the need of initial direction from Project Managers.

iv. Liaise with the relevant Government departments and entities for permits, etc. ensuring collaboration.

v. Assist with site planning and permits.

vi. Give creative input on project content and design ensuring smooth running of festivals assigned to the Programming & Productions Officer.

vii. Prepare procurements as per riders.

viii. Prepare event and artists’ schedules.

ix. Assist in preparing budgets and updating regularly.

x. Coordinate all stage management preparations.

xi. Coordinate travel, accommodation and meals where applicable.

xii. Coordinate transport schedules.

xiii. Coordinate artists’ hospitality.

xiv. Meeting deadlines set by the Festival Manager.

xv. Managing time effectively.

xvi. Give attention to detail on all projects.

xvii. Liaise with marketing team on all projects following marketing plan and timeline.

xviii. Prepare procurement for all services according to government procurement regulations.

xix. Operate IT Systems including the e-procurement portal (ePPS), used for management of calls for tenders and reporting of Public Procurement.

xx. Assist in the detailed monitoring and enforcement of Public Procurement procedures and ensuring that all procurement documents are in line with the applicable procedural and technical requirements, whilst always ensuring confidentiality of sensitive procurement information and ensuring compliance in such proceedings.

xxi. Sit on the Evaluation Committees when necessary.

xxii. Attend during Tender Opening Sessions when requested and other pertinent assignments in order to ensure that all the stipulated regulations are adhered to.

xxiii. Assist in preparing risk assessment plans while consulting with experts in the field.

xxiv. Assist in health and safety reports for all projects while consulting with experts in the field.

xxv. Coordinate insurance policies with experts in the field.

xxvi. Coordinate with PRS.

xxvii. Provide administrative support to Festival Manager, Director (Operations) and CEO as requested.

xxviii. Coordinate instrument and backline hire.

xxix. Coordinate rehearsal and sound check schedules.

xxx. Able to work in a team, adapt rapidly and respond to change in a fast-changing environment.

xxxi. Work during weekends and public holidays, including evenings as per Agency’s exigencies.

xxxii. Follow any other ad hoc assignments in relation to festivals and events as may be directed and agreed with CEO Festivals Malta.


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